Intel® Programmable Acceleration Card (PAC) with Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA Data Sheet

ID 683226
Date 10/26/2020
Document Table of Contents

5. Thermal Specifications

This acceleration card is thermally limited to dissipate no more than 45 W on the FPGA. FPGA junction temperature must not exceed 95°C. Make sure the temperature of the QSFP+ module is within the vendor specification, usually 70°C or 85°C.

  • Operating Temperature: 95 °C
  • Shutdown Temperature: 100 °C
Refer to the Power Estimator Guide to avoid exceeding 95 °C. Refer to AN 872: Thermal and Power Guidelines: For Intel Programmable Acceleration Card with Intel Arria 10 GX FPGA to verify and ensure that the AFU operates within the power supported by the Intel® PAC with Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA.

AFU Developers should use the Arria 10 PowerPlay Early Power Estimator and the Intel® Quartus® Prime Power Analyzer to estimate power consumption.

Figure 8. Airflow Pattern