Visible to Intel only — GUID: nvh1626720672300
1. Overview
2. Use Cases
3. Quad SPI Flash Layout
4. Intel® Quartus® Prime Software and Tool Support
5. Software Support
6. Flash Corruption - Detection and Recovery
7. Remote System Update Example
8. Version Compatibility Considerations
9. Intel Agilex® 7 Hard Processor System Remote System Update User Guide Archives
10. Document Revision History for the Intel Agilex® 7 Hard Processor System Remote System Update User Guide
A. Configuration Flow Diagrams
B. RSU Status and Error Codes
C. U-Boot RSU Reference Information
D. LIBRSU Reference Information
E. Combined Application Images
2.1. Manufacturing
2.2. Application Image Boot
2.3. Factory Image Boot
2.4. Modifying the List of Application Images
2.5. Querying RSU Status
2.6. Loading a Specific Image
2.7. Protected Access to Flash
2.8. Remote System Update Watchdog
2.9. RSU Notify
2.10. Updating the Factory Image
2.11. Updating the Decision Firmware
2.12. Retrying when Configuration Fails
2.13. Querying the Decision Firmware Version
7.1.1. Setting up the Environment
7.1.2. Building the Hardware Projects
7.1.3. Building Arm* Trusted Firmware
7.1.4. Building Linux*
7.1.5. Building U-Boot
7.1.6. Building U-Boot Script
7.1.7. Creating the Initial Flash Image
7.1.8. Creating the Application Image
7.1.9. Creating the Factory Update Image
7.1.10. Creating the Decision Firmware Update Image
7.1.11. Building ZLIB
7.1.12. Building LIBRSU and RSU Client
7.1.13. Building the Root File System
7.1.14. Building the SD Card
C.6.1. rsu_init
C.6.2. rsu_exit
C.6.3. rsu_slot_count
C.6.4. rsu_slot_by_name
C.6.5. rsu_slot_get_info
C.6.6. rsu_slot_size
C.6.7. rsu_slot_priority
C.6.8. rsu_slot_erase
C.6.9. rsu_slot_program_buf
C.6.10. rsu_slot_program_factory_update_buf
C.6.11. rsu_slot_program_buf_raw
C.6.12. rsu_slot_verify_buf
C.6.13. rsu_slot_verify_buf_raw
C.6.14. rsu_slot_enable
C.6.15. rsu_slot_disable
C.6.16. rsu_slot_load
C.6.17. rsu_slot_load_factory
C.6.18. rsu_slot_rename
C.6.19. rsu_slot_delete
C.6.20. rsu_slot_create
C.6.21. rsu_status_log
C.6.22. rsu_notify
C.6.23. rsu_clear_error_status
C.6.24. rsu_reset_retry_counter
C.6.25. rsu_dcmf_version
C.6.26. rsu_max_retry
C.6.27. rsu_dcmf_status
C.6.28. rsu_create_empty_cpb
C.6.29. rsu_restore_cpb
C.6.30. rsu_save_cpb
C.6.31. rsu_restore_spt
C.6.32. rsu_save_spt
C.6.33. rsu_running_factory
C.7.1. dtb
C.7.2. list
C.7.3. slot_by_name
C.7.4. slot_count
C.7.5. slot_disable
C.7.6. slot_enable
C.7.7. slot_erase
C.7.8. slot_get_info
C.7.9. slot_load
C.7.10. slot_load_factory
C.7.11. slot_priority
C.7.12. slot_program_buf
C.7.13. slot_program_buf_raw
C.7.14. slot_program_factory_update_buf
C.7.15. slot_rename
C.7.16. slot_delete
C.7.17. slot_create
C.7.18. slot_size
C.7.19. slot_verify_buf
C.7.20. slot_verify_buf_raw
C.7.21. status_log
C.7.22. update
C.7.23. notify
C.7.24. clear_error_status
C.7.25. reset_retry_counter
C.7.26. display_dcmf_version
C.7.27. display_dcmf_status
C.7.28. display_max_retry
C.7.29. restore_spt
C.7.30. save_spt
C.7.31. create_empty_cpb
C.7.32. restore_cpb
C.7.33. save_cpb
C.7.34. check_running_factory
D.6.1. librsu_init
D.6.2. librsu_exit
D.6.3. rsu_slot_count
D.6.4. rsu_slot_by_name
D.6.5. rsu_slot_get_info
D.6.6. rsu_slot_size
D.6.7. rsu_slot_priority
D.6.8. rsu_slot_erase
D.6.9. rsu_slot_program_buf
D.6.10. rsu_slot_program_factory_update_buf
D.6.11. rsu_slot_program_file
D.6.12. rsu_slot_program_factory_update_file
D.6.13. rsu_slot_program_buf_raw
D.6.14. rsu_slot_program_file_raw
D.6.15. rsu_slot_verify_buf
D.6.16. rsu_slot_verify_file
D.6.17. rsu_slot_verify_buf_raw
D.6.18. rsu_slot_verify_file_raw
D.6.19. rsu_slot_program_callback
D.6.20. rsu_slot_program_callback_raw
D.6.21. rsu_slot_verify_callback
D.6.22. rsu_slot_verify_callback_raw
D.6.23. rsu_slot_copy_to_file
D.6.24. rsu_slot_enable
D.6.25. rsu_slot_disable
D.6.26. rsu_slot_load_after_reboot
D.6.27. rsu_slot_load_factory_after_reboot
D.6.28. rsu_slot_rename
D.6.29. rsu_slot_delete
D.6.30. rsu_slot_create
D.6.31. rsu_status_log
D.6.32. rsu_notify
D.6.33. rsu_clear_error_status
D.6.34. rsu_reset_retry_counter
D.6.35. rsu_dcmf_version
D.6.36. rsu_max_retry
D.6.37. rsu_dcmf_status
D.6.38. rsu_save_spt
D.6.39. rsu_restore_spt
D.6.40. rsu_save_cpb
D.6.41. rsu_create_empty_cpb
D.6.42. rsu_restore_cpb
D.6.43. rsu_running_factory
D.7.1. count
D.7.2. list
D.7.3. size
D.7.4. priority
D.7.5. enable
D.7.6. disable
D.7.7. request
D.7.8. request-factory
D.7.9. erase
D.7.10. add
D.7.11. add-factory-update
D.7.12. add-raw
D.7.13. verify
D.7.14. verify-raw
D.7.15. copy
D.7.16. log
D.7.17. notify
D.7.18. clear-error-status
D.7.19. reset-retry-counter
D.7.20. display-dcmf-version
D.7.21. display-dcmf-status
D.7.22. display-max-retry
D.7.23. create-slot
D.7.24. delete-slot
D.7.25. restore-spt
D.7.26. save-spt
D.7.27. create-empty-cpb
D.7.28. restore-cpb
D.7.29. save-cpb
D.7.30. check-running-factory
D.7.31. help
Visible to Intel only — GUID: nvh1626720672300
6.7.1. Maintenance Procedure
- Initialize RSU by calling librsu_init() in Linux or rsu_init() in U-Boot. This allows you to:
- Check SPT integrity, recover a bad SPT if the other one is valid.
- Check CPB integrity, recover a bad CPB if the other one is valid.
- Query the RSU status by calling rsu_status_log().
- If the State field from RSU status is STATE_DCIO_CORRUPTED (0xF004D00F), it means the decision firmware data got corrupted, go to the Recover Decision Firmware Procedure.
- Query the decision firmware status by calling rsu_dcmf_status().
- If any DCMF shows as corrupted, go to the to Recover Decision Firmware Procedure.
- Call rsu_slot_count().
- If the above returns -ECORRUPTED_SPT, it means both SPTs are corrupted, and you must restore SPT from a backup copy.
- Call rsu_slot_get_info().
- If the above returns -ECORRUPTED_CPB, it means both CPBs are corrupted, and you must restore CPB from a backup copy, or create a new empty CPB.
Additional optional steps:
- Save RSU status reported by firmware.
- Clear RSU error reported by firmware by calling rsu_clear_error_status().
- Look at the State field from RSU status for more information on what happened:
- STATE_CPB0_CORRUPTED (0xF004D010): Corrupt CPB0 - already recovered at this point
- STATE_CPB0_CPB1_CORRUPTED (0xF004D011): Corrupt CPB0 & CPB1 - already recovered at this point
- 0xF006YYYY: Watchdog timeout, with YYYY being the last Notify value sent by HPS software
- Check if running a factory image by calling rsu_running_factory().
- Look at the Failed image from saved RSU status. Use custom logic to determine if one or all application images are corrupted and something needs to be done.