Intel Agilex® 7 Hard Processor System Remote System Update User Guide

ID 683184
Date 6/09/2023

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Document Table of Contents

7.1.14. Building the SD Card

The following commands can be used to create the SD card image used in this example:
sudo rm -rf sd_card && mkdir sd_card && cd sd_card
chmod +x
# prepare the fat partition contents
mkdir fat &&  cd fat
cp $TOP_FOLDER u-boot-socfpga/u-boot.itb .
cp $TOP_FOLDER u-boot-socfpga/kernel.itb .
cp $TOP_FOLDER/boot.scr.uimg .
cp $TOP_FOLDER images/*.rpd .
cd ..
# prepare the rootfs partition contents
mkdir rootfs && cd rootfs
sudo tar xf $TOP_FOLDER yocto/build/tmp/deploy/images/agilex/\
sudo sed -i 's/agilex/linux/g' etc/hostname
sudo rm -rf lib/modules/*
sudo cp $TOP_FOLDER images/*.rpd home/root
sudo cp $TOP_FOLDER intel-rsu/example/rsu_client home/root/
sudo cp $TOP_FOLDER intel-rsu/lib/ lib/
sudo cp $TOP_FOLDER intel-rsu/etc/qspi.rc etc/librsu.rc
sudo cp $TOP_FOLDER zlib-1.2.12/* lib/
cd ..
# create sd card image
sudo python3 ./ -f \
-P fat/*,num=1,format=vfat,size=100M \
-P rootfs/*,num=2,format=ext3,size=100M \
-s 256M \
-n sdcard_rsu.img
cd ..

This creates the SD card image as $TOP_FOLDER/sd_card/sdcard_rsu.img.

The following items are included in the rootfs on the SD card:
  • U-Boot
  • ATF
  • Linux* kernel, including RSU driver
  • ZLIB shared objects
  • LIBRSU shared objects and resource files
  • RSU client application
  • Application image
  • Factory update image
  • Decision firmware update image