Intel® Arria® 10 SX Device Errata and Design Recommendations

ID 683161
Date 8/03/2022
Document Table of Contents

3.4. HPS EMIF Write Performance Degradation When Using ECC and a 16-bit Interface


When you configure the HPS external memory interface (EMIF) to be 16 bits wide with error checking and correction (ECC) enabled, the ECC will sometimes perform unnecessary read-modify-write (RMW) cycles, resulting in degraded write performance. No data corruption occurs.


Disable the RMW feature in the EMIF by clearing the RMW_EN bit in the ECCCTRL2 register (0xFFCFB104).

Note: If you disable this feature, you must observe the following constraints:
  • You must also disable the EMIF ECC auto-correction, because this feature requires RMW to be enabled. This feature is disabled by writing a 0 to the AUTOWB_EN bit in the ECCCTRL2 register.
  • Partial writes are not supported. All writes must be 16-bit aligned and contain a multiple of 2 bytes. For example, a 16-bit write or 32-bit write is allowed, but a single byte write is not.


Affects: All Intel® Arria® 10 SX devices

Status: No fix planned