Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Constraints

ID 683143
Date 10/02/2023

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Document Table of Contents Home Tab Controls

The Interface Planner Home tab contains controls for opening projects in Interface Planner. You only need the Home tab when Interface Planner is in standalone mode.
Table 7.  Home Tab Controls
Command Description
Recent Projects Provides quick access to recently opened Intel® Quartus® Prime projects. A named tile represents each project. Click the tile to display Details about the project. Double-click the tile to open the project in Interface Planner.
Browse Allows you to locate and open an Intel® Quartus® Prime project in Interface Planner. Interface Planner requires the project's synthesized netlist for operation.
Details Provides project and file details such as the file path, revision, and creation date of the Intel® Quartus® Prime project. You can select a specific project revision.