Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Constraints

ID 683143
Date 10/02/2023

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Document Table of Contents Assignments Tab Controls

The Assignments tab allows you to review and enable or disable any existing placement assignments for the current tile interface planning session. Click View Assignments on the Flow control to display the Assignments tab.

You can enable or disable any placement assignments that Design Analysis finds. After you are satisfied with the status of all project assignments, click Update Plan on the Flow control to update your tile interface plan with the enabled project assignments.

Table 25.  Assignments Tab Controls
Command Description
Filter field Supports creation of wildcard expressions for assignment targets. Enabled and Disabled buttons filter only enabled or disabled assignments in the list.
Enable All Project Assignments Enables all existing assignments for the current tile interface planning session. These assignments then become the starting point for your tile plan.
Disable All Project Assignments Disables all existing assignments for the current tile interface planning session.
Clear Clears any filter from the Assignments list.
Plan Assignment Options The following options are mutually exclusive:
  • Load enabled fixed assignments—loads fixed assignments from .qsf. These assignments then become the starting point for your tile plan.
  • Load enabled fixed assignments and the most recent placement from Logic Generation—loads fixed assignments from .qsf and the most recent placement data from the last Logic Generation stage of the Compiler.