Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Third-party Synthesis

ID 683122
Date 3/28/2022

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Document Table of Contents Resource Balancing

While mapping multipliers to DSP blocks, the Synplify software performs resource balancing for optimum performance.

Intel devices have a fixed number of DSP blocks, which includes a fixed number of embedded multipliers. If the design uses more multipliers than are available, the Synplify software automatically maps the extra multipliers to logic elements (LEs), or adaptive logic modules (ALMs).

If a design uses more multipliers than are available in the DSP blocks, the Synplify software maps the multipliers in the critical paths to DSP blocks. Next, any wide multipliers, which might or might not be in the critical paths, are mapped to DSP blocks. Smaller multipliers and multipliers that are not in the critical paths might then be implemented in the logic (LEs or ALMs). This ensures that the design fits successfully in the device.