Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Third-party Synthesis

ID 683122
Date 3/28/2022

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Document Table of Contents Instantiating Black Box IP Cores with Generated Verilog HDL Files

Use the syn_black_box compiler directive to declare a module as a black box. The top-level design files must contain the IP port-mapping and a hollow-body module declaration. Apply the syn_black_box directive to the module declaration in the top-level file or a separate file included in the project so that the Synplify software recognizes the module is a black box. The software compiles successfully without this directive, but reports an additional warning message. Using this directive allows you to add other directives.

The example shows a top-level file that instantiates my_verilogIP.v, which is a simple customized variation generated by the IP Catalog.

Sample Top-Level Verilog HDL Code with Black Box Instantiation of IP

module top (clk, count);
    input clk;
    output [7:0] count;
    my_verilogIP verilogIP_inst (.clock (clk), .q (count));
// Module declaration
// The following attribute is added to create a
// black box for this module.
module my_verilogIP (clock, q) /* synthesis syn_black_box */;
    input clock;
    output [7:0] q;