Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1409960051621
1.1. About Precision RTL Synthesis Support
1.2. Design Flow
1.3. Intel Device Family Support
1.4. Precision Synthesis Generated Files
1.5. Creating and Compiling a Project in the Precision Synthesis Software
1.6. Mapping the Precision Synthesis Design
1.7. Synthesizing the Design and Evaluating the Results
1.8. Guidelines for Intel FPGA IP Cores and Architecture-Specific Features
1.9. Mentor Graphics Precision* Synthesis Support Revision History
1.8.1. Instantiating IP Cores With IP Catalog-Generated Verilog HDL Files
1.8.2. Instantiating IP Cores With IP Catalog-Generated VHDL Files
1.8.3. Instantiating Intellectual Property With the IP Catalog and Parameter Editor
1.8.4. Instantiating Black Box IP Functions With Generated Verilog HDL Files
1.8.5. Instantiating Black Box IP Functions With Generated VHDL Files
1.8.6. Inferring Intel FPGA IP Cores from HDL Code
2.1. About Synplify Support
2.2. Design Flow
2.3. Hardware Description Language Support
2.4. Intel Device Family Support
2.5. Tool Setup
2.6. Synplify Software Generated Files
2.7. Design Constraints Support
2.8. Simulation and Formal Verification
2.9. Synplify Optimization Strategies
2.10. Guidelines for Intel FPGA IP Cores and Architecture-Specific Features
2.11. Synopsys Synplify* Support Revision History
2.12. Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Third-Party Synthesis Archives Instantiating Intel FPGA IP Cores with IP Catalog Generated Verilog HDL Files Instantiating Intel FPGA IP Cores with IP Catalog Generated VHDL Files Changing Synplify’s Default Behavior for Instantiated Intel FPGA IP Cores Instantiating Intellectual Property with the IP Catalog and Parameter Editor Instantiating Black Box IP Cores with Generated Verilog HDL Files Instantiating Black Box IP Cores with Generated VHDL Files Other Synplify Software Attributes for Creating Black Boxes
Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1409960051621
1.6.6. Controlling Fan-Out on Data Nets
Fan-out is defined as the number of nodes driven by an instance or top‑level port. High fan-out nets can cause significant delays that result in an unroutable net. On a critical path, high fan-out nets can cause longer delays in a single net segment that result in the timing constraints not being met. To prevent this behavior, each device family has a global fan‑out value set in the Precision Synthesis software library. In addition, the Intel® Quartus® Prime software automatically routes high fan-out signals on global routing lines in the Intel device whenever possible.
To eliminate routability and timing issues associated with high fan-out nets, the Precision Synthesis software also allows you to override the library default value on a global or individual net basis. You can override the library value by setting a max_fanout attribute on the net.