AN 736: Nios II Processor Booting From Altera Serial Flash (EPCQ)

ID 683104
Date 5/20/2016

1.5.4. Application

  1. In the Nios® II SBT window, select File > Nios II Application to create a new application. Develop your Nios® II application. Alternatively, you can use a template for the application creation.
  2. Point your application to the BSP location that you have created in the previous section.
  3. Once the application development finishes, right-click on the project in Project Explorer and select Build Project. A *.elf file is create under the project folder.
  4. Next, generate the HEX file using the mem_init_generate utility. Right-click on the project in Project Explorer and select Make Targets > Build. The Make Targets window opens as shown below.
    Figure 10. Make Targets Window
  5. Select mem_init_generate and click Build. Make sure epcq_controller_0.hex is created under the mem_init folder.