AN 803: Implementing Analog-to-Digital Converter Multi-Link Designs with Intel® Arria® 10 JESD204B RX IP Core

ID 683077
Date 2/06/2020
Document Table of Contents

Updating the Simulation Script

Because of the additional JESD204B IP cores and connection changes in the Platform Designer system, some of the generated Platform Designer filenames are changed. These includes the filenames of the components within the Platform Designer interconnect. The simulation scripts must be updated to avoid elaboration error during the simulation. The simulation script for each simulator is located at the ed_sim/testbench/setup_scripts folder.

The ip-make-simscript utility is used to generate the combined simulation scripts for multiple IP cores, custom components and Platform Designer systems. Specify all Simulation Package Descriptor files (.spd), each of which lists the required simulation files for the corresponding IP core, custom component or Platform Designer system. The IP parameter editor generates the .spd files.

The syntax of this utility is:

ip-make-simscript --spd=<your_ip.spd> --spd=<your_ip.spd> --output_directory=<your directory>

Download the design example from Design Store and extract the for a sample of the shell script that contains the ip-make-simscript utility. The custom.spd file contains entries for custom components such as transport layers, RX top-level, TX top-level and testbench.

Follow these steps to generate an updated list of the Platform Designer interconnect components simulation script:

  1. Place the and custom.spd files at the ed_sim/testbench folder.
  2. Back-up the setup_scripts folder. The simulation scripts within the setup_scripts folder are overwritten when script is executed.
  3. Launch a Nios® II command shell in Intel® Quartus® Prime software.
  4. Navigate to ed_sim/testbench folder.
  5. At the shell prompt, type the following command:
  6. The simulation script for each simulator is updated in the setup_scripts folder.
Note: If you add custom components to the multi-link design, register your custom components RTL source files into the custom.spd file. If you add components to the Platform Designer system, add the .spd files paths to the ip-make-simscript utility in the script.