AN 780: Compiling and Customizing an Intel® Arria® 10 Custom Platform for OpenCL*

ID 683045
Date 10/30/2018
Document Table of Contents

1.4. Intel® Quartus® Prime Software Revisions Describing the Custom Platform

From the perspective of a Intel® Quartus® Prime project, there are four software revisions that describe an Intel® Arria® 10 Custom Platform: base.qsf, top.qsf, and flat.qsf.

Base Revision (base.qsf)

The base.qsf revision recompiles and synthesizes the complete project, including the static portion (that is, the Custom Platform) and the kernel, to generate a new base.qar file. The base.qar file is a Intel® Quartus® Prime Database Export File that contains the precompiled netlist of the static region of the design. This revision also contains Logic Lock Plus regions for PR.

Intel® Quartus® Prime Compilation Stages:

  1. Analysis and Synthesis (top.v, board.qsys, freeze_wrapper.v, and kernel_system.qsys)
  2. Fitter
  3. Assembler
  4. Timing Analyzer

Top Revision (top.qsf)

The top.qsf revision is the same as the base.qsf revision. This revision imports the final snapshot (that is, placement and routing contained in the .qar file) from the base compilation, and refits the synthesis netlist created from the top_synth revision.

Intel® Quartus® Prime Compilation Stages:

  1. Analysis and Elaboration (top.v, board.qsys, freeze_wrapper.v, and kernel_system.qsys)
  2. Fitter
  3. Assembler
  4. Timing Analyzer

Flat Revision (flat.qsf)

The flat.qsf file contains all the standard project assignments (for example, pinouts). The other revisions reference the flat.qsf file.