AN 780: Compiling and Customizing an Intel® Arria® 10 Custom Platform for OpenCL*

ID 683045
Date 10/30/2018
Document Table of Contents

1.7.6. Analyzing the Results from Compilation

After the full compilation flow has completed, check the results in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software GUI.
  1. Start the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 18.1.
  2. From the File menu, select Open Project.
  3. Open the project file <project_directory>/top.qpf.
  4. To open the compilation report, select Compilation Report from the Processing menu.
  5. In the compilation report, navigate to the Timing Analyzer section in the Table of Contents.
  6. Verify that the results in the Timing Analysis Report are satisfactory.
  7. Open the Chip Planner by clicking the corresponding tool bar button.
  8. Verify that the placement results in the Chip Planner are satisfactory.
    Figure 12. Floorplan and Placement Results for the Modified Intel® Arria® 10 Custom Platform