Intel® Stratix® 10 Hard Processor System Remote System Update User Guide

ID 683021
Date 11/10/2021

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Document Table of Contents

7.5.1. Using the RSU Client to Perform Basic Operations

This section demonstrates how to use the RSU client to perform the following basic operations:
  • Querying the RSU status.
  • Querying the number of slots and the information about them.
  • Adding a new application image.
  • Verifying that the application image was written correctly.
  • Requesting a specific application image to be loaded.
Note: This section assumes that the flash contains the initial RSU image. If that is not true, you need to re-flash the initial image, as shown in the Flashing the Initial RSU Image to QSPI section.
  1. Power cycle the board and let Linux* boot.
  2. Log in using ‘root’ as user name, no password is required.
  3. Run the rsu_client without parameters, to display its help message:
    root@linux:~# ./rsu_client 
    --- RSU app usage ---
    -c|--count                        get the number of slots
    -l|--list slot_num                list the attribute info from the selected slot
    -z|--size slot_num                get the slot size in bytes
    -p|--priority slot_num            get the priority of the selected slot
    -E|--enable slot_num              set the selected slot as the highest priority
    -D|--disable slot_num             disable selected slot but to not erase it
    -r|--request slot_num             request the selected slot to be loaded after the next reboot
    -R|--request-factory              request the factory image to be loaded after the next reboot
    -e|--erase slot_num               erase app image from the selected slot
    -a|--add file_name -s|--slot slot_num  add a new app image to the selected slot
    -u|--add-factory-update file_name -s|--slot slot_num  add a new factory update image to the selected slot
    -A|--add-raw file_name -s|--slot slot_num  add a new raw image to the selected slot
    -v|--verify file_name -s|--slot slot_num  verify app image on the selected slot
    -V|--verify-raw file_name -s|--slot slot_num  verify raw image on the selected slot
    -f|--copy file_name -s|--slot slot_num  read the data in a selected slot then write to a file
    -g|--log                          print the status log
    -n|--notify value                 report software state
    -C|--clear-error-status           clear errors from the log
    -Z|--reset-retry-counter          reset current retry counter
    -m|--display-dcmf-version         print DCMF version
    -y|--display-dcmf-status          print DCMF status
    -x|--display-max-retry            print max_retry parameter
    -t|--create-slot slot_name -S|--address slot_address -L|--length slot_size  create a new slot using unallocated space
    -d|--delete-slot slot_num         delete selected slot, freeing up allocated space
    -W|--restore-spt file_name        restore spt from a file
    -X|--save-spt file_name           save spt to a file
    -b|--create-empty-cpb             create a empty cpb
    -B|--restore-cpb file_name        restore cpb from a file
    -P|--save-cpb file_name           save cpb to a file
    -k|--check-running-factory        check if currently running the factory image
    -h|--help                         show usage message
  4. Exercise the rsu_client command that displays the current status, it shows the application image from slot 0 (partition P1) is loaded with no errors:
    root@linux:~# ./rsu_client --log
          VERSION: 0x00000202
            STATE: 0x00000000
    CURRENT IMAGE: 0x0000000001000000
       FAIL IMAGE: 0x0000000000000000
        ERROR LOC: 0x00000000
    ERROR DETAILS: 0x00000000
    RETRY COUNTER: 0x00000000
    Operation completed
  5. Run the RSU client commands that display information about the slots:
    root@linux:~# ./rsu_client --count
    number of slots is 3
    Operation completed
    root@linux:~# ./rsu_client --list 0
          NAME: P1
        OFFSET: 0x0000000001000000
          SIZE: 0x01000000
      PRIORITY: 1
    Operation completed
    root@linux:~# ./rsu_client --list 1
          NAME: P2
        OFFSET: 0x0000000002000000
          SIZE: 0x01000000
      PRIORITY: [disabled]
    Operation completed
    root@linux:~# ./rsu_client --list 2
          NAME: P3
        OFFSET: 0x0000000003000000
          SIZE: 0x01000000
      PRIORITY: [disabled]
    Operation completed
  6. Display the decision firmware version information:
    root@linux:~# ./rsu_client --display-dcmf-version
    DCMF0 version = 21.2.0
    DCMF1 version = 21.2.0
    DCMF2 version = 21.2.0
    DCMF3 version = 21.2.0
    Operation completed
  7. Erase slot 1 and add the application2.rpd application image to slot 1 (partition P2):
    root@linux:~# ./rsu_client --erase 1
    Operation completed
    root@linux:~# ./rsu_client --add application2.rpd --slot 1
    Operation completed
  8. Verify that the application image was written correctly to flash:
    root@linux:~# ./rsu_client --verify application2.rpd --slot 1
    Operation completed
  9. List again the slots, it shows the most recently written partition P2 image having the highest priority (lowest priority number that is):
    root@linux:~# ./rsu_client --list 0
          NAME: P1
        OFFSET: 0x0000000001000000
          SIZE: 0x01000000
      PRIORITY: 2
    Operation completed
    root@linux:~# ./rsu_client --list 1
          NAME: P2
        OFFSET: 0x0000000002000000
          SIZE: 0x01000000
      PRIORITY: 1
    Operation completed
    root@linux:~# ./rsu_client --list 2
          NAME: P3
        OFFSET: 0x0000000003000000
          SIZE: 0x01000000
      PRIORITY: [disabled]
    Operation completed
  10. Power cycle the board, boot Linux*, and display the status – it shows the image from partition P2 running:
    root@linux:~# ./rsu_client --log
          VERSION: 0x00000202
            STATE: 0x00000000
    CURRENT IMAGE: 0x0000000002000000
       FAIL IMAGE: 0x0000000000000000
        ERROR LOC: 0x00000000
    ERROR DETAILS: 0x00000000
    RETRY COUNTER: 0x00000000
    Operation completed
  11. Instruct the RSU client to request slot 0 (partition P1) from SDM on next reboot command:
    root@linux:~# ./rsu_client --request 0
    Operation completed
  12. Restart Linux* by running the reboot command:
    root@linux:~# reboot
  13. Log into Linux* and display the RSU status:
    root@linux:~# ./rsu_client --log
          VERSION: 0x00000202
            STATE: 0x00000000
    CURRENT IMAGE: 0x0000000001000000
       FAIL IMAGE: 0x0000000000000000
        ERROR LOC: 0x00000000
    ERROR DETAILS: 0x00000000
    RETRY COUNTER: 0x00000000
    Operation completed

    The status shows that the image from partition P1 was loaded, as requested.