Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for Fortran

ID 766686
Date 3/22/2024

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Computes the CS decomposition of a block-partitioned orthogonal/unitary matrix.


call sorcsd2by1( jobu1, jobu2, jobv1t, m, p, q, x11, ldx11, x21, ldx21, theta, u1, ldu1, u2, ldu2, v1t, ldv1t, work, lwork, iwork, info )

call dorcsd2by1( jobu1, jobu2, jobv1t, m, p, q, x11, ldx11, x21, ldx21, theta, u1, ldu1, u2, ldu2, v1t, ldv1t, work, lwork, iwork, info )

call cuncsd2by1( jobu1, jobu2, jobv1t, m, p, q, x11, ldx11, x21, ldx21, theta, u1, ldu1, u2, ldu2, v1t, ldv1t, work, lwork, rwork, lrwork, iwork, info )

call zuncsd2by1( jobu1, jobu2, jobv1t, m, p, q, x11, ldx11, x21, ldx21, theta, u1, ldu1, u2, ldu2, v1t, ldv1t, work, lwork, rwork, lrwork, iwork, info )

call orcsd2by1( x11,x21,theta,u1,u2,v1t[,jobu1][,jobu2][,jobv1t][,info] )

call uncsd2by1( x11,x21,theta,u1,u2,v1t[,jobu1][,jobu2][,jobv1t][,info] )

Include Files

  •, lapack.f90


The routines ?orcsd2by1/?uncsd2by1 compute the CS decomposition of an m-by-q matrix X with orthonormal columns that has been partitioned into a 2-by-1 block structure:


x11 is p-by-q. The orthogonal/unitary matrices u1, u2, v1, and v2 are p-by-p, (m-p)-by-(m-p), q-by-q, (m-q)-by-(m-q), respectively. C and S are r-by-r nonnegative diagonal matrices satisfying C2 + S2 = I, in which r = min(p,m-p,q,m-q).

Input Parameters


CHARACTER. If equal to 'Y', then u1 is computed. Otherwise, u1 is not computed.


CHARACTER. If equal to 'Y', then u2 is computed. Otherwise, u2 is not computed.


CHARACTER. If equal to 'Y', then v1t is computed. Otherwise, v1t is not computed.


INTEGER. The number of rows and columns of the matrix X.


INTEGER. The number of rows in x11. 0 pm.


INTEGER. The number of columns in x11 . 0 qm.


REAL for sorcsd2by1

DOUBLE PRECISION for dorcsd2by1

COMPLEX for cuncsd2by1

DOUBLE COMPLEX for zuncsd2by1

Array, size (ldx11,q).

On entry, the part of the orthogonal matrix whose CSD is desired.


INTEGER. The leading dimension of the array x11. ldx11 max(1,p).


REAL for sorcsd2by1

DOUBLE PRECISION for dorcsd2by1

COMPLEX for cuncsd2by1

DOUBLE COMPLEX for zuncsd2by1

Array, size (ldx21,q).

On entry, the part of the orthogonal matrix whose CSD is desired.


INTEGER. The leading dimension of the array X. ldx21 max(1,m - p).


INTEGER. The leading dimension of the array u1. If jobu1 = 'Y', ldu1 max(1,p).


INTEGER. The leading dimension of the array u2. If jobu2 = 'Y', ldu2 max(1,m-p).


INTEGER. The leading dimension of the array v1t. If jobv1t = 'Y', ldv1t max(1,q).


REAL for sorcsd2by1

DOUBLE PRECISION for dorcsd2by1

COMPLEX for cuncsd2by1

DOUBLE COMPLEX for zuncsd2by1

Workspace array, size (max(1,lwork)).


INTEGER. The size of the work array. Constraints:

If lwork = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine only calculates the optimal size of the work array, returns this value as the first entry of the work array, and no error message related to lwork is issued by xerbla.


REAL for cuncsd2by1

DOUBLE PRECISION for zuncsd2by1

Workspace array, size (max(1,lrwork)).


INTEGER. The size of the rwork array. Constraints:

If lrwork = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine only calculates the optimal size of the rwork array, returns this value as the first entry of the rwork array, and no error message related to lrwork is issued by xerbla.


INTEGER. Workspace array, dimension m - min(p, m - p, q, m - q).

Output Parameters


REAL for sorcsd2by1

DOUBLE PRECISION for dorcsd2by1

COMPLEX for cuncsd2by1

DOUBLE COMPLEX for zuncsd2by1

Array, size (r), in which r = min(p,m-p,q,m-q).

C = diag( cos(theta(1)), ..., cos(theta(r)) ), and

S = diag( sin(theta(1)), ..., sin(theta(r)) ).


REAL for sorcsd2by1

DOUBLE PRECISION for dorcsd2by1

COMPLEX for cuncsd2by1

DOUBLE COMPLEX for zuncsd2by1

Array, size (ldu1,p) .

If jobu1 = 'Y', u1 contains the p-by-p orthogonal/unitary matrix u1.


REAL for sorcsd2by1

DOUBLE PRECISION for dorcsd2by1

COMPLEX for cuncsd2by1

DOUBLE COMPLEX for zuncsd2by1

Array, size (ldu2,m - p) .

If jobu2 = 'Y', u2 contains the (m-p)-by-(m-p) orthogonal/unitary matrix u2.


REAL for sorcsd2by1

DOUBLE PRECISION for dorcsd2by1

COMPLEX for cuncsd2by1

DOUBLE COMPLEX for zuncsd2by1

Array, size (ldv1t,q) .

If jobv1t = 'Y', v1t contains the q-by-q orthogonal matrix v1T or unitary matrix v1H.


On exit,

If info = 0,
work(1) returns the optimal lwork.
If info > 0,
work(2:r) contains the values phi(1), ..., phi(r-1) that, together with theta(1), ..., theta(r) define the matrix in intermediate bidiagonal-block form remaining after nonconvergence. info specifies the number of nonzero phi's.

On exit,

If info = 0,
rwork(1) returns the optimal lrwork.
If info > 0,
rwork(2:r) contains the values phi(1), ..., phi(r-1) that, together with theta(1), ..., theta(r) define the matrix in intermediate bidiagonal-block form remaining after nonconvergence. info specifies the number of nonzero phi's.


= 0: successful exit

< 0: if info = -i, the i-th argument has an illegal value

> 0: ?orcsd2by1/?uncsd2by1 did not converge. See the description of work above for details.

Fortran 95 Interface Notes

Routines in Fortran 95 interface have fewer arguments in the calling sequence than their FORTRAN 77 counterparts. For general conventions applied to skip redundant or reconstructible arguments, see Fortran 95 Interface Conventions.

Specific details for the routine ?orcsd2by1/?orcsd2by1 interface are as follows:


Holds the block of matrix X11 of size (p, q).


Holds the block of matrix X21 of size (m-p, q).


Holds the vector of length r = min(p,m-p,q,m-q).


Holds the matrix u1 of size (p,p).


Holds the matrix u2 of size (m-p,m-p).


Holds the matrix v1T or v1H of size (q,q).


Indicates whether u1 is computed. Must be 'Y' or 'O'.


Indicates whether u2 is computed. Must be 'Y' or 'O'.


Indicates whether v1t is computed. Must be 'Y' or 'O'.

See Also