Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for Fortran

ID 766686
Date 3/22/2024

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Solves a system of linear matrix equations for a sparse matrix in the diagonal format with one-based indexing (deprecated).


call mkl_sdiasm(transa, m, n, alpha, matdescra, val, lval, idiag, ndiag, b, ldb, c, ldc)

call mkl_ddiasm(transa, m, n, alpha, matdescra, val, lval, idiag, ndiag, b, ldb, c, ldc)

call mkl_cdiasm(transa, m, n, alpha, matdescra, val, lval, idiag, ndiag, b, ldb, c, ldc)

call mkl_zdiasm(transa, m, n, alpha, matdescra, val, lval, idiag, ndiag, b, ldb, c, ldc)

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This routine is deprecated, but no replacement is available yet in the Inspector-Executor Sparse BLAS API interfaces. You can continue using this routine until a replacement is provided and this can be fully removed.

The mkl_?diasm routine solves a system of linear equations with matrix-matrix operations for a sparse matrix in the diagonal format:

C := alpha*inv(A)*B


C := alpha*inv(AT)*B,


alpha is scalar, B and C are dense matrices, A is a sparse upper or lower triangular matrix with unit or non-unit main diagonal, AT is the transpose of A.


This routine supports only one-based indexing of the input arrays.

Input Parameters

Parameter descriptions are common for all implemented interfaces with the exception of data types that refer here to the FORTRAN 77 standard types. Data types specific to the different interfaces are described in the section "Interfaces" below.


CHARACTER*1. Specifies the system of linear equations.

If transa = 'N' or 'n', then C := alpha*inv(A)*B,

If transa = 'T' or 't' or 'C' or 'c', then C := alpha*inv(AT)*B.


INTEGER. Number of rows of the matrix A.


INTEGER. Number of columns of the matrix C.


REAL for mkl_sdiasm.

DOUBLE PRECISION for mkl_ddiasm.

COMPLEX for mkl_cdiasm.

DOUBLE COMPLEX for mkl_zdiasm.

Specifies the scalar alpha.


CHARACTER. Array of six elements, specifies properties of the matrix used for operation. Only first four array elements are used, their possible values are given in Table “Possible Values of the Parameter matdescra (descra)”. Possible combinations of element values of this parameter are given in Table “Possible Combinations of Element Values of the Parameter matdescra.


REAL for mkl_sdiasm.

DOUBLE PRECISION for mkl_ddiasm.

COMPLEX for mkl_cdiasm.

DOUBLE COMPLEX for mkl_zdiasm.

Two-dimensional array of size lval by ndiag, contains non-zero diagonals of the matrix A. Refer to values array description in Diagonal Storage Scheme for more details.


INTEGER. Leading dimension of val, lvalm. Refer to lval description in Diagonal Storage Scheme for more details.


INTEGER. Array of length ndiag, contains the distances between main diagonal and each non-zero diagonals in the matrix A.


All elements of this array must be sorted in increasing order.

Refer to distance array description in Diagonal Storage Scheme for more details.


INTEGER. Specifies the number of non-zero diagonals of the matrix A.


REAL for mkl_sdiasm.

DOUBLE PRECISION for mkl_ddiasm.

COMPLEX for mkl_cdiasm.

DOUBLE COMPLEX for mkl_zdiasm.

Array, size (ldb, n).

On entry the leading m-by-n part of the array b must contain the matrix B.


INTEGER. Specifies the leading dimension of b as declared in the calling (sub)program.


INTEGER. Specifies the leading dimension of c as declared in the calling (sub)program.

Output Parameters


REAL for mkl_sdiasm.

DOUBLE PRECISION for mkl_ddiasm.

COMPLEX for mkl_cdiasm.

DOUBLE COMPLEX for mkl_zdiasm.

Array, size ldc by n.

The leading m-by-n part of the array c contains the matrix C.



SUBROUTINE mkl_sdiasm(transa, m, n, alpha, matdescra, val, lval, idiag,
 ndiag, b, ldb, c, ldc)
  CHARACTER*1   transa
  CHARACTER     matdescra(*)
  INTEGER       m, n, ldb, ldc, lval, ndiag
  INTEGER      idiag(*)
  REAL          alpha
  REAL          val(lval,*), b(ldb,*), c(ldc,*)

SUBROUTINE mkl_ddiasm(transa, m, n, alpha, matdescra, val, lval, idiag,
 ndiag, b, ldb, c, ldc)
  CHARACTER*1   transa
  CHARACTER     matdescra(*)
  INTEGER       m, n, ldb, ldc, lval, ndiag
  INTEGER      idiag(*)
  DOUBLE PRECISION        alpha
  DOUBLE PRECISION        val(lval,*), b(ldb,*), c(ldc,*)

SUBROUTINE mkl_cdiasm(transa, m, n, alpha, matdescra, val, lval, idiag,
 ndiag, b, ldb, c, ldc)
  CHARACTER*1   transa
  CHARACTER     matdescra(*)
  INTEGER       m, n, ldb, ldc, lval, ndiag
  INTEGER      idiag(*)
  COMPLEX        alpha
  COMPLEX        val(lval,*), b(ldb,*), c(ldc,*)

SUBROUTINE mkl_zdiasm(transa, m, n, alpha, matdescra, val, lval, idiag,
 ndiag, b, ldb, c, ldc)
  CHARACTER*1   transa
  CHARACTER     matdescra(*)
  INTEGER       m, n, ldb, ldc, lval, ndiag
  INTEGER      idiag(*)
  DOUBLE COMPLEX        alpha
  DOUBLE COMPLEX        val(lval,*), b(ldb,*), c(ldc,*)