Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-D87C635B-327E-45C4-8247-FDC0EC9089AB
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-D87C635B-327E-45C4-8247-FDC0EC9089AB
Generates uniformly distributed bits in 32/64-bit chunks.
The uniform_bits class object is used to generate uniformly distributed bits in 32/64-bit chunks. It is designed to ensure each bit in the 32/64-bit chunk is uniformly distributed. This distribution is supported for philox4x32x10 and mcg59 engines. When generating 64-bit chunks, twice as much engine offset needs to be provided.
UIntType denotes the chunk size and can be std::uint32_t, std::uint64_t. See VS Notes for details.
namespace oneapi::mkl::rng::device { template<typename UIntType = std::uint32_t> class uniform_bits { using result_type = UIntType; }; }
Include Files
Template Parameters
typename UIntType = std::uint32_t |
Type of the produced values. The specific values are as follows: std::uint32_tstd::uint64_t |
Examples Of Generating Small Types
Example 1
uniform_bits returns uniformly distributed generator output, so to get small types such as std::int8_t, std::uint8_t, std::int16_t, and std::uint16_t, convert the generated numbers to the desired type as shown below:
queue.submit([&](sycl::handler& cgh) { cgh.parallel_for(sycl::range<1>(n / VecSize), [=](sycl::item<1> item) { size_t item_id = item.get_id(0); ... oneapi::mkl::rng::device::uniform_bits<Type> distr; auto res = oneapi::mkl::rng::device::generate(distr, engine); if constexpr(VecSize == 1) { r_acc[item_id] = static_cast<DesiredType>(res); } else { sycl::vec<DesiredType, VecSize> res_; res_ = res.template convert<DesiredType>();, r_acc); } }); });
Example 2
You also can get several numbers of small type from one generated number. The following example demonstrates how to obtain four std::uint8_t numbers from one std::uint32_t:
oneapi::mkl::rng::device::uniform_bits<std::uint32_t> distr; std::uint32_t res = oneapi::mkl::rng::device::generate(distr, engine); sycl::vec<std::uint8_t, 4> res_small; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { res_small[i] = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(res & 0xff); res >>= 8; }