Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-0A71EC2D-6BF3-44EB-A286-BE4E818AA274
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-0A71EC2D-6BF3-44EB-A286-BE4E818AA274
The descriptor class template
This page describes the descriptor class template, which belongs to the oneapi::mkl::dft namespace and is declared in oneapi/mkl/dft.hpp (file to be included).
namespace oneapi::mkl::dft {
template <precision prec, domain dom>
class descriptor;
The usage of prepended namespace specifiers oneapi::mkl::dft is omitted below for conciseness.
Users of the DPC++ interface of oneMKL must use instances of a specialization of this class template to specify and fully configure the required DFT computation(s): successfully-committed objects of a (specialized) descriptor class are required arguments to the DFT-specific compute functions.
Template parameters
The descriptor class template is parameterized by two non-type template parameters, in the following order:
a value of type precision, that determines the floating-point format to be considered by its instances;
a value of type domain, that determines the type of forward domain to be considered by its instances.
Instances of a descriptor class specialized with value precision::SINGLE (resp. precision::DOUBLE) for the former are referred to as “single-precision descriptors” (resp. “double-precision descriptors”). Similarly, instances of a descriptor class specialized with value domain::COMPLEX (resp. domain::REAL) for the latter are referred to as “complex descriptors” (resp. “real descriptors”).
Member functions
Considering objects of any descriptor class, users may
create and delete them via the constructors and destructors;
modify their configuration via the configuration-setting member functions;
query their configuration via the configuration-querying member functions;
commit them to the DFT computation(s) that they define onto a specific sycl::queue instance;
equip them with their own device-accessible memory allocation for the object’s workspace, by using the workspace-related member functions (feature specific to GPU-committed descriptors).