Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives Developer Guide and Reference

ID 790148
Date 11/07/2023

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Error Reporting

The Intel IPP functions return status codes of the performed operation to report errors and warnings to the calling program. Thus, it is up to the application to perform error-related actions and/or recover from the error. The last value of the error status is not stored, and the user is to decide whether to check it or not as the function returns. The status codes are of IppStatus type and are global constant integers.

The status codes and corresponding messages reported by Intel IPP for image and video processing are listed in Table Status Codes and Messages.

Status Codes and Messages
Status Code Message
ippStsNotSupportedModeErr The requested mode is currently not supported.
ippStsDecimateFractionErr Unsupported fraction in decimate.
ippStsWeightErr Incorrect value for weight.
ippStsQualityIndexErr Quality Index cannot be calculated for an image filled with a constant.
ippStsResizeNoOperationErr One of the output image dimensions is less than 1 pixel.

The status codes ending with Err (except for the ippStsNoErr status) indicate an error; the integer values of these codes are negative. When an error occurs, the function execution is interrupted.

The status code ippStsNoErr indicates no error. All other status codes indicate warnings. When a specific case is encountered, the function execution is completed and the corresponding warning status is returned. For example, if the function ippiDiv meets an attempt to divide a positive value by zero, the function execution is not aborted. The result of the operation is set to the maximum value that can be represented by the source data type, and the user is warned by the output status ippStsDivByZero. See appendix A Handling of Special Cases for more information.