Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-0F3F3791-56B3-4693-837E-6784514FFF32
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-0F3F3791-56B3-4693-837E-6784514FFF32
Error Reporting
The Intel IPP functions return the status of the performed operation to report errors and warnings to the calling program. The last value of the error status is not stored, and you need to decide whether to check it or not as the function returns. The status values are of the IppStatus type and are global constant integers.
The following table lists status codes and corresponding messages reported by Intel IPP for signal processing.
Status | Message |
ippStsCpuNotSupportedErr | The target cpu is not supported. |
ippStsUnknownStatusCodeErr | Unknown status code. |
ippStsLzoBrokenStreamErr | LZO safe decompression function cannot decode LZO stream. |
ippStsRoundModeNotSupportedErr | Rounding mode is not supported. |
ippStsRegExpOptionsErr | RegExp: Options for the pattern are incorrect. |
ippStsRegExpErr | RegExp: The structure pRegExpState contains wrong data. |
ippStsRegExpMatchLimitErr | RegExp: The match limit has been exhausted. |
ippStsRegExpQuantifierErr | RegExp: Incorrect quantifier. |
ippStsRegExpGroupingErr | RegExp: Incorrect grouping. |
ippStsRegExpBackRefErr | RegExp: Incorrect back reference. |
ippStsRegExpChClassErr | RegExp: Incorrect character class. |
ippStsRegExpMetaChErr | RegExp: Icnorrect metacharacter. |
ippStsLengthErr | Incorrect value for string length. |
ippStsToneMagnErr | Tone magnitude is less than or equal to zero. |
ippStsToneFreqErr | Tone frequency is negative, or greater than or equal to 0.5. |
ippStsTonePhaseErr | Tone phase is negative, or greater than or equal to 2*PI. |
ippStsTrnglMagnErr | Triangle magnitude is less than or equal to zero. |
ippStsTrnglFreqErr | Triangle frequency is negative, or greater than or equal to 0.5. |
ippStsTrnglPhaseErr | Triangle phase is negative, or greater than or equal to 2*PI. |
ippStsTrnglAsymErr | Triangle asymmetry is less than -PI, or greater than or equal to PI. |
ippStsHugeWinErr | The Kaiser window is too big. |
ippStsJaehneErr | Magnitude value is negative. |
ippStsStepErr | Step value is not valid. |
ippStsStrideErr | Stride value is less than length of the row. |
ippStsEpsValErr | Negative epsilon value. |
ippStsScaleRangeErr | Scale bounds are out of range. |
ippStsThresholdErr | Invalid threshold bounds. |
ippStsWtOffsetErr | Invalid offset value for wavelet filter. |
ippStsAnchorErr | Anchor point is outside the mask. |
ippStsMaskSizeErr | Invalid mask size. |
ippStsShiftErr | Shift value is less than zero. |
ippStsSampleFactorErr | Sampling factor is less than or equal to zero. |
ippStsSamplePhaseErr | Phase value is out of range, 0 ≤ phase < factor. |
ippStsFIRMRFactorErr | MR FIR sampling factor is less than or equal to zero. |
ippStsFIRMRPhaseErr | MR FIR sampling phase parameter is negative, or greater than or equal to the sampling factor. |
ippStsRelFreqErr | Relative frequency value is out of range. |
ippStsFIRLenErr | Length of the FIR filter is less than or equal to zero. |
ippStsIIROrderErr | Order of the IIR filter is not valid. |
ippStsResizeFactorErr | Resize factor(s) is less than or equal to zero. |
ippStsDivByZeroErr | An attempt to divide by zero. |
ippStsInterpolationErr | Invalid interpolation mode. |
ippStsMirrorFlipErr | Invalid flip mode. |
ippStsMoment00ZeroErr | Moment value M(0,0) is too small to continue calculations. |
ippStsThreshNegLevelErr | Negative value of the level in the threshold operation. |
ippStsContextMatchErr | Context parameter does not match the operation. |
ippStsFftFlagErr | Invalid value for the FFT flag parameter. |
ippStsFftOrderErr | Invalid value for the FFT order parameter. |
ippStsMemAllocErr | Not enough memory for the operation. |
ippStsNullPtrErr | Null pointer error. |
ippStsSizeErr | Incorrect value for data size. |
ippStsBadArgErr | Incorrect argument/parameter of the function. |
ippStsErr | Unknown/unspecified error. |
ippStsNoErr | No errors. |
ippStsNoOperation | No operation has been executed. |
ippStsSqrtNegArg | Negative value(s) of the argument in the function Sqrt. |
ippStsEvenMedianMaskSize | Even size of the Median Filter mask was replaced by the odd one. |
ippStsDivByZero | Zero value(s) of the divisor in the function Div. |
ippStsLnZeroArg | Zero value(s) of the argument in the function Ln. |
ippStsLnNegArg | Negative value(s) of the argument in the function Ln. |
ippStsNanArg | Argument value is not a number. |
ippStsOverflow | Overflow in the operation. |
ippStsUnderflow | Underflow in the operation. |
ippStsSingularity | Singularity in the operation. |
ippStsDomain | Argument is out of the function domain. |
ippStsCpuMismatch | Cannot set the library for the given cpu. |
ippStsOvermuchStrings | Number of destination strings is more than expected. |
ippStsOverlongString | Length of one of the destination strings is more than expected. |
ippStsSrcSizeLessExpected | DC: The size of source buffer is less than the expected one. |
ippStsDstSizeLessExpected | DC: The size of destination buffer is less than the expected one. |
ippStsNotSupportedCpu | The CPU is not supported. |
ippStsAlgTypeErr | The algorithm type is not supported. |
Product and Performance Information |
Performance varies by use, configuration and other factors. Learn more at Notice revision #20201201 |
The status codes ending with Err (except for the ippStsNoErr status) indicate an error; the integer values of these codes are negative. When an error occurs, the function execution is interrupted. All other status codes indicate warnings. When a specific case is encountered, the function execution is completed and the corresponding warning status is returned.
For example, if the integer function ippsDiv_8u meets an attempt to divide a positive value by zero, the function execution is not interrupted. The result of the operation is set to the maximum value that can be represented by the source data type, and the function returns the warning status ippStsDivByZero. This is the case for the vector-vector operation ippsDiv. For the vector-scalar division operation ippsDivC, the function behavior is different: if the constant divisor is zero, then the function stops execution and returns immediately with the error status ippStsDivByZeroErr.