Intel® Advisor User Guide

ID 766448
Date 3/31/2025
Document Table of Contents


The menu items are shown in the toolbar area as shortcuts to frequently used operations. Hover the mouse over an icon on a toolbar to see a tooltip with description.

  • File toolbar: Provides access to the functionality from the File menu.

  • Edit toolbar: Provides access to the editing operations from the Edit menu.

  • Window toolbar: Provides the show/hide toggle capability for configurable GUI elements. From left to right, these icons represent the Toolbox, Reports, and Charts tabs.

    • Hide the Toolbox tab, which contains the Designer Mode, Analysis Mode, and Hierarchical View tabs to increase available screen space for large graphs.

    • Hide the Reports tab, which shows information such as node properties or output of analytics algorithms, to get more screen space for visualizing large graphs.

    • By default, the Charts tab is hidden if the graph does not have associated execution trace data. When the trace data is available, the Charts tab is displayed.

  • Analytics toolbar: Provides a subset of plugins from the Analytics menu. A plugin can be hidden in the toolbar, but it is always registered in the Analytics menu.

    The analytics supported for Intel® oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB) flow graphs are, from left to right in the toolbar, Compute Critical Path, Graph Rule-Check, and Compute Modeling Projection. Use these algorithms to design new and tune existing graphs.

  • Layout toolbar: Provides a subset of the layouts from the Layout menu.

  • Zoom toolbar: Allows you to zoom in or out the canvas area that displays the graph. The reset-zoom button resets the zoom factor, so the entire graph is visible in the canvas area.

    You can also zoom in or out using the mouse-wheel when the mouse is in the canvas area.
  • Trace Data Collector toolbar: Opens a dialog box to configure a data collection run on a oneTBB flow graph application. This dialog box also allows you to configure the environment before launching the application.

  • What’s This? toolbar: Switches to the What's This? mode.

    You can also switch to this mode using the Shift+F1 keyboard shortcut.