Intel® Advisor User Guide

ID 766448
Date 3/31/2025
Document Table of Contents

Model Threading Designs

Analyze, design, tune, and check threading design options without disrupting your normal development by running the Threading Perspective.

The Threading Perspective can help you to:

  • Model different threading designs for your application

  • Prototype project scaling on systems with larger core counts

  • Find performance issues and fix them before implementing parallelism

  • Find and eliminate data-sharing issues during design

How It Works

The Threading perspective includes the following steps:

  1. Run the Survey analysis to find candidates for parallelizing.
  2. Add parallel site and task annotations to your code and re-build your application.
  3. Run Suitability analysis to view proposed parallel design options.
  4. Run Dependencies analysis to identify stoppers for adding parallel code.

Threading Summary

Threading perspective reports information about your application performance recommends you loops/functions to parallelize with the highest gain:

  • View the main performance metrics of your program with execution time details.
  • View optimization recommendations that help you to improve the overall performance of your application and separate loops/functions.
  • Examine how different parallel design options affect performance of annotated loops/functions and view estimated gain for each option. Check if annotated loops have dependencies that can be show-stoppers while parallelizing your code.