Intel® Advisor User Guide

ID 766448
Date 3/31/2025
Document Table of Contents Options

Collect basic data, do markup, and collect refinement data. Then proceed to run analysis on profiling data. This script combines the separate scripts and


advisor-python <APM>/ <project-dir> [--options] -- <target> [target-options]

Replace <APM> with $APM on Linux* OS or %APM% on Windows* OS.


The following table describes options that you can use with the script. The target application to analyze and application options, if any, must be preceded by two dashes and a space and placed at the end of a command.




Required. Specify the path to the Intel® Advisor project directory.



Show all script options.

-v <verbose>

--verbose <verbose>

Specify output verbosity level:

  • 1 - Show only error messages. This is the least verbose level.

  • 2 - Show warning and error messages.

  • 3 (default) - Show information, warning, and error messages.

  • 4 - Show debug, information, warning, and error messages. This is the most verbose level.

This option affects the console output, but does not affect logs and report results.

--assume-dependencies (default) | --no-assume-dependencies

Assume that a loop has a dependency if the loop type is not known. When disabled, assume that a loop does not have dependencies if the loop dependency type is unknown.

--assume-hide-taxes [<loop-id> | <file-name>:<line-number>]

Use an optimistic approach to estimate invocation taxes: hide all invocation taxes except the first one.

You can provide a comma-separated list of loop IDs and source locations to hide taxes for. If you do not provide a list, taxes are hidden for all loops.


  • Collect full data on myApplication, run analysis with default configuration, and save the project to the ./advi directory. The generated output is saved to the default advi/perfmodels/mNNNN directory.

    advisor-python $APM/ ./advi_results -- ./myApplication
  • Collect full data on myApplication, run analysis with default configuration, save the project to the ./advi directory, and save the generated output to the advi/perf_models/report directory.

    advisor-python $APM/ ./advi_results --out-dir report -- ./myApplication
  • Collect refinement data for SYCL code regions on myApplication, run analysis with a custom configuration file config.toml, and save the project to the ./advi directory. The generated output is saved to the default advi/perf_models/mNNNN directory.

    advisor-python $APM/ ./advi_results --collect refinement --markup icpx -fsycl --config ./config.toml -- ./myApplication