Intel® Advisor User Guide

ID 766448
Date 3/31/2025
Document Table of Contents

Dialog Box: Create a Project


Use the Create a Project dialog box to create and configure your new Intel® Advisor project.


To open the Create a Project dialog box, do one of the following:

  • Click the Create Project button on the Intel Advisor toolbar.
  • Click the New Project button on the Welcome pane.
  • Click New > Project in the File menu.
  • Press Ctrl+Shift+N.


Use This

To Do This

Project name field

Specify the name of your Intel Advisor project. This might be similar to the target executable name. The project name is used for the project directory name:

  • A project file that identifies the target to be analyzed and a set of configurable attributes for running the target.

  • Results that allows you to view the collected data.

Location field and Browse button

Choose or create a directory to contain the project directory. Click the Browse button to browse to and select a directory where the project directory will be created.

Project files should be located in a different directory than your source directories, such as a directory above the source directories or in a separate projects directory. You must have write permission to the specified directory and its subdirectories.

Create project button

After entering the Project name and specifying its Location, click Create project to create the project and its directory and open the Project Properties dialog box and configure your project.