Intel® Advisor User Guide

ID 766448
Date 3/31/2025
Document Table of Contents

GPU Roofline Accuracy Presets

For each perspective, Intel® Advisor has several levels of collection accuracy. Each accuracy level is a set of analyses and properties that control what data is collected and the level of collection details. The higher accuracy value you choose, the higher runtime overhead is added.

The following accuracy levels are available:

Comparison / Accuracy Level





5 - 10x

15 - 20x

20 - 50x


Analyze kernels in your application running on GPU

Analyze kernels running on GPU and loops/functions running on CPU in more details

Analyze kernels running on GPU and loops/functions running on CPU in more details


Survey with GPU profiling + Characterization (FLOP)

Survey with GPU profiling + Characterization (FLOP, memory object analysis with light data transfer simulation between host and target device memory) + Performance Modeling for a baseline GPU

Survey with GPU profiling + Characterization (Trip Counts and FLOP with call stacks for CPU, CPU cache simulation, memory object analysis with medium data transfer simulation between host and target device memory) + Performance Modeling for a baseline GPU

Result for kernels on GPU

Memory-level GPU Roofline (for CARM, L3, SLM, GTI) with basic set of recommendations for performance optimization

Memory-level GPU Roofline (for CARM, L3, SLM, GTI) with extended set of recommendations for performance optimization

Memory-level GPU Roofline (for CARM, L3, SLM, GTI) with extended set of recommendations for performance optimization

Result for loops/functions on CPU

Cache-aware CPU Roofline for L1 cache

Memory-level Roofline with call stacks (for L1, L2, L3, DRAM)

Memory-level Roofline with call stacks (for L1, L2, L3, DRAM)

You can choose custom accuracy and set a custom perspective flow for your application. For more information, see Customize GPU Roofline Insights Perspective.

There is a variety of techniques available to minimize data collection, result size, and execution overhead. Check Minimize Analysis Overhead .