Intel® Advisor User Guide

ID 766448
Date 6/24/2024

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OpenMP Reduction Operations

OpenMP reduction operations can be used for simple cases, such as incrementing a shared numeric variable or the summation of an array into a shared numeric variable. To implement a reduction operation, add the reduction clause within a parallel region to instruct the compiler to perform the summation operation in parallel using the specified operation and variable.

After you rewrite your code to use OpenMP* parallel framework, you can analyze its performance with Intel® Advisor perspectives. Use the Vectorization and Code Insights perspective to analyze how well you OpenMP code is vectorized or use the Offload Modeling perspective to model its performance on a GPU.

Consider this annotated C/C++ serial code:

  int  i, n=500000; 
  float *array, total=0.0;
      for (i=0; i <n ; ++i  
        total+ = array[i];
. . .

The parallel C/C++ code after adding #include <omp.h> and #pragma omp parallel for reduction:

#include <omp.h>  //prevents a load-time problem with a .dll not being found
  int  i, n=500000; 
  float *array, total=0.0;
     #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:total)
        for (i=0; i <n ; ++i  
          total+ = array[i];
. . .

Consider this annotated Fortran serial code:

  integer(4) n
  real(4) array(50000), total = 0.0
  n = 500000
     do i=1, n
     call annotate_lock_acquire(0)
        total = total + array(i)
     call annotate_lock_release(0)
 . . .
     end do

Consider this parallel Fortran code after adding use omp_lib, !$omp parallel do reduction(+:total), and !$omp end parallel do:

  use omp_lib
  integer(4) n
  real(4) array(50000), total = 0.0
  n = 500000

  !$omp parallel do reduction(+:total)
     do i=1, n
        total = total + array(i)
  !$omp end parallel do
 . . .
     end do