Intel® Advisor User Guide

ID 766448
Date 6/24/2024

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Include the Annotations Header File in C/C++ Sources

When you add annotations to your C/C++ source files, you also need to include the Intel® Advisor annotation header file advisor-annotate.h in those files. Use the code editor to type the line or use the context menu item to add a #include directive.

To include the annotations C/C++ header file, specify one of the following forms listed below:

Use the quoted form to have the preprocessor first search for the header file in the same directory as the source file that contains the #include directive, and then other directories (see your compiler documentation for details).

#include "advisor-annotate.h"

Use the angle bracket form to have the preprocessor first search for the header file in the directory specified by the /I option (Additional Include Directories), and then other directories (see your compiler documentation for details).

#include <advisor-annotate.h>

To use the include file with Fortran sources, see Intel® Advisor Annotation Definitions File.

See Also