Intel® Advisor User Guide

ID 766448
Date 6/24/2024

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Open a Result

In Visual Studio* 2022, Intel Advisor provides lightweight integration. You can configure and compile your application and open the standalone Intel Advisor interface from the Visual Studio for further analysis. All your settings will be inherited by the standalone Intel Advisor project.

There is one result for each project. To open a previously collected result for one project:

To Do This Do This

After opening its Solution, open a result from the Microsoft Visual Studio* IDE or the Intel® Advisor GUI.

After you open the Visual Studio solution or the Intel Advisor GUI project, do one of the following:

  • From the Microsoft Visual Studio* Solution Explorer, double-click the result in the Results program folder.

  • From the Microsoft Visual Studio* menu:
    1. Choose Open > File.

    2. In the Open File dialog box, browse to and double-click the result. By default the ennn.advixe file in project name folder in the solution or project directory.

  • From the Intel® Advisor GUI menu:
    1. Choose either File > Open > Result... or File > Recent Results.

    2. In the Project Navigator, browse to and double-click the result. By default the ennn.advixe file in project name folder in the solution or project directory.

You can open multiple results from the same project only,

Open a result from the Solution Explorer or the Intel® Advisor product GUI or its Project Navigator.

After you open the Visual Studio solution, browse to and double-click the result. By default, the results are in the Advisor Result directory in the Solution Explorer.

From the product GUI, click File > Open > Result... or File > Recent Results > name.

When using the Project Navigator in the product GUI, navigate to the project and click its result name, such as ennn.

You can open multiple results from the same project only,

View a specific result

If you have opened multiple results for different projects and you would like to view a result that is not displayed, click its tab to view that result. The result appears showing the last report that you viewed.

To view a specific result, click its tab name:

You can open multiple results from the same project only,

To rearrange the order of the displayed tabs, drag a tab to the desired location.

You can create a snapshot of the active result and save as a read-only result (see the help topic Create a Read-only Result Snapshot).