Run Energy Analysis
To analyze the power consumption of your Android*, Windows*, or Linux* platform, run the Intel® SoC Watch collector and view the results using Intel VTune Profiler.
Using the data visualization provided by Intel VTune Profiler, along with the detailed reports generated by Intel SoC Watch, a user can measure, debug, and optimize system power consumption. Data collection can occur on the system where Intel VTune Profiler is installed or on a remote target system.
The standalone, Intel® System Studio, and Intel® Parallel Studio XE versions of the VTune Profiler all support the import of Intel SoC Watch results.
Prerequisites: The Intel SoC Watch collector is installed on the target system. For detailed instructions on configuring your environment, see the Installation section of the Intel SoC Watch Release Notes for your target system's operating system. The latest Intel SoC Watch documents are available online at the Intel Developer Zone site. You can also find a copy on the host system in the targets directory after installing Intel System Studio or on the target system in the product's documentation directory after extracting the Intel SoC Watch package.
Set up the scenario to be analyzed for energy usage and run the data collection using Intel SoC Watch, including the option to write a result file that can be imported to VTune Profiler (-f vtune). Data collection can occur on an idle system or run concurrently with a workload that is started at any time before or during the collection. You must have administrative/root privileges to start the data collection.
For example, to run a collection for 1 minute (-t 60), gather data about how much time the CPU spends in low power states (-f cpu-cstate), include trace data (-m), and store the reports in a specified directory location with the specified file name (-o results/test), you would use:
socwatch -t 60 -f cpu-cstate -m -o results/test -r vtune
The import file is saved to the results directory as test.pwr.
For detailed descriptions of options and the different metrics that can be collected, see Intel SoC Watch Command Options or the Getting Started section of the Intel SoC Watch User's Guide (Linux and Android | Windows).
TIP:Use feature group names as a shorthand for specifying several features (metrics) that should be collected at the same time. For instance, -f sys collects many commonly used metrics, including low power state residency for CPU, GPU, and devices, CPU temperature and frequency, and memory bandwidth.
Use the --help option to discover all of the available metrics that can be collected on the system (found under feature and feature group names) as well as other options for controlling data collection and reporting.
If running on a remote target system, copy the import file to the system where VTune Profiler is installed. The import file has a (*.pwr) extension, such as results/test.pwr from the example command.
Launch VTune Profiler.
or create
a project.
Click the
Import Result button on the toolbar and browse to the import file that you copied from the target system.
When the import completes, the Platform Power Analysis viewpoint opens automatically.