Energy Analysis User Guide

ID 767268
Date 3/31/2023

Preparing a Target Android* System for Energy Analysis

When collecting energy data on a target Android device, make sure to:

Build the Device Drivers

Complete the following steps if the Intel® SoC Watch device drivers are not already installed on the OS image:

  1. Extract the system_studio_target.tgz package to the host system used to build the target system's Android kernel.

    By default, the package can be found in the following location:

    • On a Windows host: C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\system_studio_<version>\Targets\system_studio_target.tgz

    • On a Linux host: /opt/intel/system_studio_<version>/targets/system_studio_target.tgz

  2. Navigate to the following location: <extract_dir>/system_studio_target/socwatch_android_<version>
  3. Run the build driver script with the following command:

    • For target systems with an Intel Atom® processor:

      > sh ./ -k <kernel-build-dir> -s <full-path-to-sign-file>
    • For target systems with an Intel® Core™ processor:

      > sh ./ -k <kernel-build-dir> -n -s <full-path-to-sign-file>

    Where the <kernel_build_dir> is the local Android lib/modules directory produced while building the Android kernel. The -k option is not required if the DEFAULT_KERNEL_BUILD_DIR is properly set in the build_driver script.

Install the Intel® SoC Watch Collector

Complete the following steps to install the Intel SoC Watch collector:

  1. Connect the host system to the target system via adb.
  2. Navigate to the following location on the host system: <exract_dir>/system_studio_target/socwatch_android_<version>
  3. Run the following file to install the Intel SoC Watch executables in the /data/socwatch directory on the target Android system.

    • On Linux:

    • On Windows: socwatch_android_install.bat

Load the Device Drivers

Complete the following steps to load the device drivers on the target Android system:

  1. Connect the host system to the target system via adb.
  2. Run the following adb commands to start a shell with root privileges:

    > adb root

    > adb shell

  3. Navigate to the /lib/modules directory, which contains the drivers you installed.

  4. Load the latest version of the socperf driver using the following command:

    > insmod socperf<version>.ko
  5. Load the socwatch driver using the following command, replacing the 2_x with the appropriate Intel SoC Watch version:

    insmod socwatch2_x.ko
  6. Run the following command to confirm that the drivers loaded successfully:

    > lsmod