1.3. Directory Structure
The GTS Interlaken Intel® FPGA IP generates the following files for the design example:
Figure 5. Directory Structure
Note: ila is not supported for GTS platform in Quartus® Prime version 24.2.
File Names | Description |
example_design.qpf | Quartus® Prime project file. |
example_design.qsf | Quartus® Prime project settings file |
example_design.sdc jtag_timing_template.sdc |
Synopsys* Design Constraint file. You can copy and modify for your own design. |
File Name | Description |
top_tb.sv | Top-level testbench file. |
File Name | Description |
run_vcsmx.sh | The Synopsys* VCS* MX script to run the testbench. |
run_mentor.tcl | The Siemens* EDA QuestaSim* script to run the testbench. |
run_xcelium.sh | The Cadence* Xcelium* script to run the testbench. |