Visible to Intel only — GUID: group__group__indexpage
Visible to Intel only — GUID: group__group__indexpage
5.1. Overview
The software package for Test Engine IP allows you to describe traffic programs and interact with live hardware.
User Flow
Python library
User programs
System Console library
NOTE: <ip_instance_name> refers to the name of your Test Engine IP instance.
NOTE: You might find another set of software files under <ip_instance_name>/hydra_software_100/sim. These are equivalent to the "synth" files; you need to use only one of them.
Use the software package after the IP is generated. Preserve some project files (.ip, .qsys files) because the software uses these files to discover the hardware configuration. The software package can output files needed for compilation or simulation in the Quartus Prime Software, for example HEX files containing the traffic program.
Getting Started
Python library—provides the compiler and APIs to describe traffic programs
User programs—sample software programs utilizing the Python library
System Console library—provides functions to interact with Test Engine IP on a device, and a default test sequence
Altera provides Test Engine IP as a beta version where its functionality and software APIs are subject to change in future releases.
You must update any scripts using this library if the function names and behaviors change in future releases.