Visible to Intel only — GUID: qvn1697528136096
1. Quick Start Guide
2. F-Tile 25G Ethernet Single-Channel Design Example
3. F-Tile 25G Ethernet Single Channel Design Example with Dynamic Reconfiguration
4. F-Tile 25G Ethernet Intel FPGA IP Design Example User Guide Archives
5. Document Revision History for F-Tile 25G Ethernet Intel® FPGA IP Design Example User Guide
1.1. Directory Structure
1.2. Generating the Design Example
1.3. Generating Tile Files
1.4. Simulating the F-Tile 25G Ethernet Intel FPGA IP Design Example Testbench
1.5. Compiling and Configuring the Design Example in Hardware
1.6. Testing the F-Tile 25G Ethernet Intel FPGA IP Hardware Design Example
Visible to Intel only — GUID: qvn1697528136096
3.4.3. Test Case—Single-Channel Design Example with Dynamic Reconfiguration
The simulation test case performs the following actions:
- Instantiates F-Tile 25G Ethernet Intel® FPGA IP, dynamic reconfiguration controller, and SYS PLL.
- Starts up the design example with an operation speed of 25G.
- Waits for RX clock and RX alignment to settle.
- Transmits and receives 10 valid 64-bit data on 25G speed.
- The testbench performs the dynamic reconfiguration operation to switch the speed to 10G.
- Waits for RX clock and RX alignment to settle.
- Transmits and receives 10 valid 64-bit data on 10G speed.
- The testbench performs the dynamic reconfiguration operation to switch the speed back to 25G.
- Waits for RX clock and RX alignment to settle.
- Transmits and receives 10 valid 64-bit data on 25G speed.
- The successful testbench displays "Testbench complete.".
The following sample output illustrates a successful simulation test run: