Nios® V Processor Software Developer Handbook

ID 743810
Date 10/02/2023

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Document Table of Contents openocd

Nios® V processor supports the Open On-Chip Debugger for debugging. Open On-Chip Debugger(OpenOCD), is an open source GNU Project Debugger(GDB) server implementation that allows a GDB Client to debug embedded target device. In a standard setup, OpenOCD translates debugging Remote Serial Protocol instructions from the GDB client into signals that is understood by the target device, then requests the device to perform the required action and communicate the result back to the GDB client.

Utility path:../<QPDS version>/quartus/bin64/openocd.exe




To start a OpenOCD client session using desired device configuration file .


#start an openocd client session using configuration nfile niosv-m.cfg
openocd -f niosv-m.cfg


Options Description
-h, --help Display help menu
-f, --file Use configuration file <name>
-c, --command Run <command>
-d or -d<n>, --debug or --debug<n> Set debug level to <level>, default value = 3 without <n> argument
-v, --version Display OpenOCD version
-s, --search Search for config files and scripts
l, --log_output- Redirect log output to file <name>