Nios® V Processor Software Developer Handbook

ID 743810
Date 10/02/2023

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Document Table of Contents niosv-download


niosv-download [OPTION] <ELF FILE>


Download an ELF file to a Nios® V processor CPU. Optionally reset or resume a Nios® V processor CPU.


#Download app.elf to the only Nios V instance connected.
niosv-download app.elf 

#Download app.elf to the only Nios V instance and run from the entry point.
niosv-download -g app.elf

#Download app.elf to the only Nios V instance, issue a debug reset, then run from the entry point.
niosv-download -g -r app.elf

#Download app.elf to the Nios V at cable 1, device 2, instance 2.
niosv-download app.elf -c 1 -d 2 -i 2


Options Description
--help, -h Display the help message.
--reset, -r Reset the targeted Nios® V processor.
--go, -g Resume execution of the targeted Nios® V processor.
--cable CABLE,-c CABLE Specify the cable of the targeted Nios® V processor.
--device DEVICE, -d DEVICE Specify the device of the targeted Nios® V processor.
--device DEVICE, -d DEVICE Specify the instance of the targeted Nios® V processor.