Nios® V Embedded Processor Design Handbook

ID 726952
Date 4/04/2022

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Document Table of Contents Setting Up Open-Source Tools

The following open-source tools allow you to create Nios® V processor software projects:
Table 1.  Open-source tools
Open-source tool Description and Path Variable

(v10.2.0-1.2 or later)

A pre-built toolchain to compile programs for RISC-V development.

Windows command prompt:

set PATH=<Intel Quartus Prime installation directory>/niosv/xpack-riscv-none-embed-gcc-10.2.0-1.2/bin;%PATH%

Linux terminal:

export PATH=<Intel Quartus Prime installation directory>/niosv/xpack-riscv-none-embed-gcc-10.2.0-1.2/bin:$PATH
CMake (v3.14.10 or later) A system that manages the build process using CMakeLists.txt

Windows command prompt:

set PATH=<Intel Quartus Prime installation directory>/niosv/cmake-3.21.1-windows-x86_64/bin;%PATH%

Linux terminal:

export PATH=<Intel Quartus Prime installation directory>/niosv/cmake-3.21.1-linux-x86_64/bin:$PATH
xPack Windows Build Tools1

(v3.2.1.1 or later)

A specific package that includes GNU Make and BusyBox to perform builds on Microsoft* Windows*.

Windows command prompt:

set PATH=<Intel Quartus Prime installation directory>/niosv/xpack-windows-build-tools-4.2.1-2/bin;%PATH%
Eclipse C/C++ Development Tooling (CDT) for Embedded C/C++ Developers2

(v4.2.1-2 or later)

A development tool that includes Eclipse plug-ins and tools for RISC-V development.

Refer to the following procedure for setting up the open-source tools:

  1. Download the respective open-source tools based on your operating system. Refer to the Related Information for the download links.
  2. Extract the downloaded .zip or .tar file into this directory:
    <Intel Quartus Prime installation directory>/niosv
  3. Setup the environment variable (PATH) to include the installed tools into the design flow. The directory path may vary due to different tool version.
    1. If you are using Eclipse Embedded CDT, refer to Building the Application Project using Eclipse Embedded CDT.
    2. If you are using Command-Line Interface (CLI), refer to the Open-source Tools and proceed with the environment variable (PATH) setup commands base on your operating system.
1 For Windows users only.
2 This tool is optional because the design flow can also be performed in a terminal/command-line interface (CLI).