F-Tile Ethernet Multirate Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 714307
Date 12/19/2022

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Document Table of Contents

1.5. Resource Utilization

Table 4.  Resource Utilization for Intel® Agilex™ DevicesThese results were obtained using the Intel® Quartus® Prime software version 22.1 with the following conditions:
  • All reconfiguration groups have client interface set to MAC segmented.
  • The resource utilization is specific to FGT reconfiguration groups.
  • The resource utilization excludes the soft logic utilization for the *_Tiles file, generated by Intel® Quartus® Prime software after the support logic generation phase.
    • The *_Tiles file uses approx. 5,000 combinatorial ALUTs, 6,000 logic registers, and 164,000 bits of block memory bits.
Reconfiguration Group

(with selected MAC mode)

ALMs Combinatorial ALUTs Logic Registers Block Memory Bits
25GE-1 623 754 980 0
50GE-1 642 695 1,057 0
100GE-4 2,430 2,996 3,643 0
100GE-4 (including 40GE) 2,798 3,463 4,318 0
100GE-2 1,259 1,382 2,030 0
400GE-8 3,351 3,368 5,218 0
200GE-4 2,369 2,668 3,955 0