F-Tile Ethernet Multirate Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 714307
Date 12/19/2022

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Document Table of Contents

6. Configuration Registers

You can access the registers for the F-Tile Ethernet Multirate Intel FPGA IP core using the Avalon® memory-mapped interface or the Ethernet reconfiguration Avalon® memory-mapped interface.
The control status register (CSR) space of all ports is always accessible regardless of whether the port is active. The dynamic reconfiguration (DR)-related registers are used for switching profiles within a reconfiguration group. The DR registers are only available in the port 0 CSR space.
Note: In a multiple port profile, the port 0 Avalon® memory-mapped interface space is available even if the port 0 is in reset. This is due to the fact that the i_reconfig_reset signal is a common reset for the entire F-Tile Ethernet Multirate IP core.
The table describes F-Tile Ethernet Multirate IP core specific registers. Refer to F-Tile Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP User Guide for description of additional Ethernet-related registers.
Table 78.  F-Tile Ethernet Multirate IP Core Registers
Offset (Byte) Name Description Default Setting
0x200 8 profile_sel[5:0] Profile Selection Register
profile_sel[5:0] = {profile_sel[5:4], profile_sel[3:2], profile_sel[1:0]}, where
  • profile_sel[5:4]: Indicates the number of active ports in a selected profile:
    • 2'b00: 1 port
    • 2'b01: 2 port
    • 2'b10: 4 port
  • profile_sel[3:2]: Indicates the number of active transceiver lanes in a selected profile:
    • 2'b00: Maximum number of lanes in reconfiguration group
    • 2'b01: Maximum number of lanes /2 in reconfiguration group
    • 2'b10: Maximum number of lanes /4 in reconfiguration group
  • profile_sel1:0]: Indicates the sum of bandwidth of all active ports in a selected profile:
    • 2'b00: Maximum bandwidth (BW) in reconfiguration group
    • 2'b01: Maximum BW /2 in reconfiguration group
    • 2'b10: Maximum BW /4 in reconfiguration group
    • 2'b10: Special rate

The profile_sel signal decoding is internally based on the selected reconfiguration group:

Signal decoding for the FGT Transceivers:

  • 25GE-1 Reconfigurable Group:
    • 6'b00_00_00: 1x25GE-1/1x10GE-1 9
  • 50GE-1 Reconfigurable Group:
    • 6'b00_00_00: 1x50GE-1
    • 6'b00_00_01: 1x25GE-1/1x10GE-19
  • 100GE-4 Reconfigurable Group:
    • 6'b00_00_00: 1x100GE-4
    • 6'b00_00_11: 1x40GE-4
    • 6'b00_01_00: 1x100GE-2
    • 6'b01_00_00: 2x50GE-2
    • 6'b01_01_00: 2x50GE-1
    • 6'b10_00_00: 4x25GE-1 / 10GE-19
  • 100GE-2 Reconfigurable Group:
    • 6'b00_00_00: 1x100GE-2
    • 6'b00_00_01: 1x50GE-2
    • 6'b01_00_00: 2x50GE-1
    • 6'b01_00_01: 2x25GE-1/10GE-19
  • 400GE-8 Reconfigurable Group:
    • 6'b00_00_00: 1x400GE-8
    • 6'b01_00_00: 2x200GE-4
    • 6'b01_00_00: 4x100GE-2
  • 200GE-4 Reconfigurable Group:
    • 6'b00_00_00: 1x200GE-4
    • 6'b00_00_01: 1x100GE-4
    • 6'b01_00_00: 2x100GE-2
    • 6'b01_00_01: 2x50GE-2
    • 6'b10_00_01: 4x50GE-1
Signal decoding for the FHT transceivers:
  • 50GE-1 Reconfigurable Group:
    • 6'b00_00_00: 1x50GE-1
    • 6'b00_00_01: 1x25GE-1
  • 100GE-4 Reconfigurable Group:
    • 6'b00_00_00: 1x100GE-4
    • 6'b00_00_01: 1x100GE-2
    • 6'b00_10_00: 1x100GE-1
    • 6'b01_00_00: 2x50GE-2
    • 6'b01_01_00: 2x50GE-1
    • 6'h10_00_00: 4x50GE-1
  • 100GE-2 Reconfigurable Group:
    • 6'b00_00_00: 1x100GE-2
    • 6'b00_01_00: 1x100GE-1
    • 6'b01_00_01: 1x50GE-2
    • 6'b01_00_00: 2x50GE-1
    • 6'b01_00_010: 2x25GE-1
  • 100GE-1 Reconfigurable Group:
    • 6'b00_00_00: 1x100GE-1
    • 6'b00_00_01: 1x50GE-1
    • 6'b00_00_10: 1x25GE-1
  • 400GE-4 Reconfigurable Group:
    • 6'b00_00_00: 1x400GE-4
    • 6'b01_00_01: 1x200GE-4
    • 6'b01_00_00: 2x100GE-2
    • 6'b01_00_01: 2x100GE-2
    • 6'b10_00_00: 4x100GE-1
  • 200GE-4 Reconfigurable Group:
    • 6'b00_00_00: 1x200GE-4
    • 6'b00_01_00: 1x200GE-2
    • 6'b00_00_01: 1x100GE-4
    • 6'b01_00_00: 2x100GE-2
    • 6'b01_01_00: 2x100GE-1
    • 6'b01_00_01: 2x50GE-2
    • 6'b10_00_00: 4x50GE-1
  • 200GE-2 Reconfigurable Group:
    • 6'b00_00_00: 1x200GE-2
    • 6'b00_00_01: 1x100GE-2
    • 6'b00_00_10: 1x50GE-2
    • 6'b01_00_00: 2x100GE-1
    • 6'b01_00_00: 2x50GE-1
Startup Profile
0x204 fec_mode[11:0] FEC Mode Register
fec_mode[11:0] = {fec_mode[11:9], fec_mode[8:6], fec_mode[5:3], fec_mode[2:0]}, where
  • fec_mode[11:9]: FEC mode for port 3
  • fec_mode[8:6]: FEC mode for port 2
  • fec_mode5:3]: FEC mode for port 1
  • fec_mode[2:0]: FEC mode for port 0
Selects the FEC type for the active ports in the selected profile:
  • 3'b000: None
  • 3'b001: IEEE 802.3 BASE-R Firecode (CL74)
  • 3'b010: IEEE 802.3 RS(528,514) (CL91)
  • 3'b011: IEEE 802.3 RS(544,514) (CL134)
  • 3'b100: Ethernet Technology Consortium RS(272, 258)
The port-specific bits only apply to the active ports in the selected profile.
FEC mode at startup
0x208 sel_25g_10g[3:0] 10GE/25GE Selection Register: Selects the 10GE or 25GE mode for the active ports in the selected profile. The port-specific bits only apply to the active ports in the selected profile.
The bit definitions are shown below:
  • 1'b0 – 25GE is selected
  • 1'b1 – 10GE is selected

  • Bit 0 – Select 25GE/10GE for Port 0
  • Bit 1 – Select 25GE/10GE for port 1
  • Bit 2 – Select 25GE/10GE for port 2
  • Bit 3 – Select 25GE/10GE for port 3

Note that the port specific bits only apply to the active ports in the selected profile

This register is applicable only to the following profiles in FGT Reconfiguration Groups:
  • 4x 25GE/10GE profile in 100GE-4 Group
  • 2x 25GE/10GE profile in 100GE-2 Group
  • 1x 25GE/10GE profile in 25GE-1 Group
  • 1x 25GE/10GE profile in 50GE-1 Group

This register is not applicable to any FHT reconfiguration groups as FHT does not support 10GE rates.

10GE Enable at startup
0x20C preamble_passthrough[3:0] Preamble Passthrough Enable Register: Enable/Disable preamble passthrough for the active ports in the selected profile.
The bit definitions are shown as below:
  • 1’b0 – Preamble Passthrough is disabled
  • 1’b1 – Preamble Passthrough is enabled
  • Bit 0 – Enable Preamble Passthrough for Port 0
  • Bit 1 – Enable Preamble Passthrough for Port 1
  • Bit 2 – Enable Preamble Passthrough for Port 2
  • Bit 3 – Enable Preamble Passthrough for Port 3

Note that the port specific bits only apply to the active ports in the selected profile.

This register is applicable only to the following profiles in FGT and FHT Reconfiguration Groups when user interface is set to MAC Avalon ST.

  • 1x 50GE profile in 50GE-1 Group
  • 1x 40GE, 2x50GE profile in 100GE-4 Group
  • 1x 50GE, 2x50GE profile in 100GE-2 Group
  • 1x 50GE profile in 100GE-1 Group

The register default value preamble passthrough is disabled for all other profiles, reconfiguration groups, and user interfaces.

Preamble Passthrough Enable at Startup
8 This offset is only available in port 0 of the Ethernet reconfiguration Avalon® memory-mapped interface space.
9 For 10GE/25GE rate selection, use the 0x208 offset.