AN 952: Intel® Arria® 10 and Intel® Stratix® 10 HDMI 2.1 System Design Guidelines

ID 709310
Date 6/21/2022

5.3. Performance and Cost Considerations

  1. Intel recommends that you enable TX FFE to ensure better interoperability among various HDMI 2.1 devices. However, RX jitter tolerance does not account for FFE usage.
  2. You can increase the performance of RX equalization and reduce FPGA dependency by utilizing redrivers or retimers that can compensate for higher loss profiles.
  3. Although using external redrivers or retimers can help your design meet CTS compliance, you must ensure that the settings are able to meet the proprietary loss profile setup.
    Note: The electrical validation optimization in this document does not cover non-Intel devices. If your profile setup is significantly different from what is shown here, use Link Tuning method to verify link integrity.
  4. For PCB designs that do not require Intel® Quartus® Prime compilation, you can refer to Channel Placement Tools (CPTs) specific to Intel® Arria® 10 or Intel® Stratix® 10, which allow you to allocate link topology by designated pinouts.