3.1. Fronthaul Compression IP Signals
Signal Name | Bitwidth | Direction | Description |
tx_clk | 1 | Input | Transmitter clock. Clock frequency is 390.625 MHz for 25 Gbps and 156.25MHz for 10 Gbps. All transmitter interface signals are synchronous to this clock. |
rx_clk | 1 | Input | Receiver clock. Clock frequency is 390.625 MHz for 25 Gbps and 156.25MHz for 10 Gbps. All receiver interface signals are synchronous to this clock. |
csr_clk | 1 | Input | Clock for CSR interface. Clock frequency is 100 MHz. |
tx_rst_n | 1 | Input | Active low reset for transmitter interface synchronous to tx_clk. |
rx_rst_n | 1 | Input | Active low reset for receiver interface synchronous to rx_clk. |
csr_rst_n | 1 | Input | Active low reset for CSR interface synchronous to csr_clk. |
Signal Name | Bitwidth | Direction | Description |
tx_avst_source_valid | 1 | Output | When asserted, indicates valid data is available on avst_source_data. |
tx_avst_source_data | 64 | Output | PRB fields including udCompParam, iSample and qSample. Next section PRB fields are concatenated to previous section PRB field. |
tx_avst_source_startofpacket | 1 | Output | Indicates first byte of a frame. |
tx_avst_source_endofpacket | 1 | Output | Indicates last byte of a frame. |
tx_avst_source_ready | 1 | Input | When asserted, indicates the transport layer is ready to accept data. readyLatency = 0 for this interface. |
tx_avst_source_empty | 3 | Output | Specifies the number of empty bytes on avst_source_data when avst_source_endofpacket is asserted. |
tx_udcomphdr_o | 8 | Output | User data compression header field. Synchronous with tx_avst_source_valid. Defines the compression method and IQ bit width for the user data in a data section.
tx_metadata_o | METADATA_WIDTH | Output | Conduit signals passthrough and are not compressed. Synchronous with tx_avst_source_valid. Configurable bitwidth METADATA_WIDTH. When you turn on O-RAN compliant, refer to Table 14. When you turn off O-RAN compliant, this signal is only valid when tx_avst_source_startofpacket is 1. tx_metadata_o does not have valid signal and uses tx_avst_source_valid to indicate valid cycle. Not available when you select 0 Disable Metadata Ports for Metadata width. |
Signal Name | Bitwidth | Direction | Description |
rx_avst_sink_valid | 1 | Input | When asserted, indicates valid data is available on avst_sink_data. No avst_sink_ready signal at this interface. |
rx_avst_sink_data | 64 | Input | PRB fields including udCompParam, iSample and qSample. Next section PRB fields are concatenated to previous section PRB field. |
rx_avst_sink_startofpacket | 1 | Input | Indicates first byte of a frame. |
rx_avst_sink_endofpacket | 1 | Input | Indicates last byte of a frame. |
rx_avst_sink_error | 1 | Input | When asserted in the same cycle as avst_sink_endofpacket, indicates the current packet is an error packet |
rx_udcomphdr_i | 8 | Input | User data compression header field. Synchronous with rx_metadata_valid_i. Defines the compression method and IQ bit width for the user data in a data section.
rx_metadata_i | METADATA_WIDTH | Input | Uncompressed conduit signals passthrough. rx_metadata_i signals are valid when rx_metadata_valid_i is asserted, synchronous with rx_avst_sink_valid. Configurable bitwidth METADATA_WIDTH. When you turn on O-RAN compliant, refer to Table 16. When you turn off O-RAN compliant, this rx_metadata_i signal is only valid when both rx_metadata_valid_i and rx_avst_sink_startofpacket equal to 1. Not available when you select 0 Disable Metadata Ports for Metadata width. |
rx_metadata_valid_i | 1 | Input | Indicates that the headers (rx_udcomphdr_i and rx_metadata_i) are valid. Synchronous with rx_avst_sink_valid. Compulsory signal. For O-RAN backward compatibility, assert rx_metadata_valid_i if the IP has valid common header IEs and repeated section IEs. On providing new section physical resource block (PRB) fields in rx_avst_sink_data, provide new section IEs in rx_metadata_i input together with rx_metadata_valid_i. |
Signal Name | Bitwidth | Direction | Description |
tx_avst_sink_valid | 1 | Input | When asserted, indicate valid PRB fields are available in this interface. When operating in streaming mode, ensure no valid signal deassertion between start of packet and end of packet The only exception is when the ready signal deasserted. |
tx_avst_sink_data | 128 | Input | Data from application layer in network byte order. |
tx_avst_sink_startofpacket | 1 | Input | Indicate the first PRB byte of a packet |
tx_avst_sink_endofpacket | 1 | Input | Indicate the last PRB byte of a packet |
tx_avst_sink_ready | 1 | Output | When asserted, indicates the O-RAN IP is ready to accept data from application interface. readyLatency = 0 for this interface |
tx_udcomphdr_i | 8 | Input | User data compression header field. Synchronous with tx_avst_sink_valid. Defines the compression method and IQ bit width for the user data in a data section.
tx_metadata_i | METADATA_WIDTH | Input | Conduit signals passthrough and are not compressed. Synchronous with tx_avst_sink_valid. Configurable bitwidth METADATA_WIDTH. When you turn on O-RAN compliant, refer to Table 14. When you turn off O-RAN compliant, this signal only valid when tx_avst_sink_startofpacket equals to 1. tx_metadata_i does not have valid signal and uses tx_avst_sink_valid to indicate valid cycle. Not available when you select 0 Disable Metadata Ports for Metadata width. |
Signal Name | Bitwidth | Direction | Description |
rx_avst_source_valid | 1 | Output | When asserted, indicates valid PRB fields are available in this interface. No avst_source_ready signal at this interface. |
rx_avst_source_data | 128 | Output | Data to application layer in network byte order. |
rx_avst_source_startofpacket | 1 | Output | Indicates the first PRB byte of a packet |
rx_avst_source_endofpacket | 1 | Output | Indicates the last PRB byte of a packet |
rx_avst_source_error | 1 | Output | Indicates the packets contains error |
rx_udcomphdr_o | 8 | Output | User data compression header field. Synchronous with rx_avst_source_valid. Defines the compression method and IQ bit width for the user data in a data section.
rx_metadata_o | METADATA_WIDTH | Output | Uncompressed conduit signals passthrough. rx_metadata_o signals are valid when rx_metadata_valid_o is asserted, synchronous with rx_avst_source_valid. Configurable bitwidth METADATA_WIDTH. When you turn on O-RAN compliant, refer to Table 15. When you turn off O-RAN compliant, rx_metadata_o is only valid when rx_metadata_valid_o equals 1. Not available when you select 0 Disable Metadata Ports for Metadata width. |
rx_metadata_valid_o | 1 | Output | Indicates that the headers (rx_udcomphdr_o and rx_metadata_o) are valid. rx_metadata_valid_o is asserted when rx_metadata_o is valid, synchronous with rx_avst_source_valid. |
Signal Name | Bit Width | Direction | Description |
csr_address | 16 | Input | Configuration register address. |
csr_write | 1 | Input | Configuration register write enable. |
csr_writedata | 32 | Input | Configuration register write data. |
csr_readdata | 32 | Output | Configuration register read data. |
csr_read | 1 | Input | Configuration register read enable. |
csr_readdatavalid | 1 | Output | Configuration register read data valid. |
csr_waitrequest | 1 | Output | Configuration register wait request. |
Metadata Mapping for O-RAN Backward Compatibility
Signal Name | Bitwidth | Direction | Description | Metadata Mapping |
Reserved | 16 | Input | Reserved. | tx_metadata_i[127:112] |
tx_u_numberofsection | 8 | Input | U-plane number of section for streaming mode. | tx_metadata_i[119:112] |
tx_u_prbusize | 16 | Input | PRB U-plane IQ data size in bytes for streaming mode. | tx_metadata_i[111:96] |
tx_u_seq_id | 16 | Input | SeqID of the packet, which is extracted from eCPRI transport header. | tx_metadata_i[95:80] |
tx_u_pc_id | 16 | Input | PCID for eCPRI transport and RoEflowId for radio over ethernet (RoE) transport. | tx_metadata_i[79:64] |
Reserved | 4 | Input | Reserved. | tx_metadata_i[63:60] |
tx_u_dataDirection | 1 | Input | gNB data direction. Value range: {0b=Rx (i.e. upload), 1b=Tx (i.e. download)} |
tx_metadata_i[59] |
tx_u_filterIndex | 4 | Input | Defines an index to the channel filter to be used between IQ data and air interface. Value range: {0000b-1111b} |
tx_metadata_i[58:55] |
tx_u_frameId | 8 | Input | A counter for 10 ms frames (wrapping period 2.56 seconds), specifically frameId= frame number modulo 256. Value range: {0000 0000b-1111 1111b} |
tx_metadata_i[54:47] |
tx_u_subframeId | 4 | Input | A counter for 1 ms subframes within 10 ms frame. Value range: {0000b-1111b} |
tx_metadata_i[46:43] |
tx_u_slotID | 6 | Input | This parameter is the slot number within a 1 ms subframe. All slots in one subframe are counted by this parameter. Value range: {00 0000b-00 1111b=slotID, 01 0000b-11 1111b=Reserved} |
tx_metadata_i[42:37] |
tx_u_symbolid | 6 | Input | Identifies a symbol number within a slot. Value range: {00 0000b-11 1111b} |
tx_metadata_i[36:31] |
tx_u_sectionId | 12 | Input | The sectionID maps U-plane data sections to the corresponding C-plane message (and Section Type) associated with the data. Value range: {0000 0000 0000b-1111 1111 1111b} |
tx_metadata_i[30:19] |
tx_u_rb | 1 | Input | Resource block indicator. Indicate if every resource block is used or every other resource block is used. Value range: {0b=every resource block used; 1b=every other resource block used} |
tx_metadata_i[18] |
tx_u_startPrb | 10 | Input | The starting PRB of a user plane data section. Value range: {00 0000 0000b-11 1111 1111b} |
tx_metadata_i[17:8] |
tx_u_numPrb | 8 | Input | Define the PRBs where the user plane data section is valid. Value range: {0000 0001b-1111 1111b, 0000 0000b = all PRBs in the specified subcarrier spacing (SCS) and carrier bandwidth } |
tx_metadata_i[7:0] |
tx_u_udCompHdr | 8 | Input | Define the compression method and IQ bit width of the user data in a data section. Value range: {0000 0000b-1111 1111b} |
N/A (tx_udcomphdr_i) |
Signal Name | Bitwidth | Direction | Description | Metadata Mapping |
rx_sec_hdr_valid | 1 | Output | When rx_sec_hdr_valid is 1, the U-plane section data fields are valid. Common header IEs are valid when rx_sec_hdr_valid is asserted, synchronous with avst_sink_u_startofpacket and avst_sink_u_valid. Repeated section IEs are valid when rx_sec_hdr_valid is asserted, synchronous with avst_sink_u_valid. On providing new section PRB fields in avst_sink_u_data, provide new section IEs with rx_sec_hdr_valid asserted. |
rx_metadata_valid_o |
Signal Name | Bitwidth | Direction | Description | Metadata Mapping |
Reserved | 32 | Output | Reserved. | rx_metadata_o[127:96] |
rx_u_seq_id | 16 | Output | SeqID of the packet, which is extracted from eCPRI transport header. | rx_metadata_o[95:80] |
rx_u_pc_id | 16 | Output | PCID for eCPRI transport and RoEflowId for RoE transport | rx_metadata_o[79:64] |
reserved | 4 | Output | Reserved. | rx_metadata_o[63:60] |
rx_u_dataDirection | 1 | Output | gNB data direction. Value range: {0b=Rx (i.e. upload), 1b=Tx (i.e. download)} |
rx_metadata_o[59] |
rx_u_filterIndex | 4 | Output | Defines an index to the channel filter to use between IQ data and air interface. Value range: {0000b-1111b} |
rx_metadata_o[58:55] |
rx_u_frameId | 8 | Output | A counter for 10 ms frames (wrapping period 2.56 seconds), specifically frameId= frame number modulo 256. Value range: {0000 0000b-1111 1111b} |
rx_metadata_o[54:47] |
rx_u_subframeId | 4 | Output | A counter for 1ms subframes within 10 ms frame. Value range: {0000b-1111b} |
rx_metadata_o[46:43] |
rx_u_slotID | 6 | Output | The slot number within a 1ms subframe. All slots in one subframe are counted by this parameter. Value range: {00 0000b-00 1111b=slotID, 01 0000b-11 1111b=Reserved} |
rx_metadata_o[42:37] |
rx_u_symbolid | 6 | Output | Identifies a symbol number within a slot. Value range: {00 0000b-11 1111b} |
rx_metadata_o[36:31] |
rx_u_sectionId | 12 | Output | The sectionID maps U-plane data sections to the corresponding C-plane message (and Section Type) associated with the data. Value range: {0000 0000 0000b-1111 1111 1111b} |
rx_metadata_o[30:19] |
rx_u_rb | 1 | Output | Resource block indicator. Indicates if every resource block is used or every other resource is used. Value range: {0b=every resource block used; 1b=every other resource block used} |
rx_metadata_o[18] |
rx_u_startPrb | 10 | Output | The starting PRB of a user plane data section. Value range: {00 0000 0000b-11 1111 1111b} |
rx_metadata_o[17:8] |
rx_u_numPrb | 8 | Output | Defines the PRBs where the user plane data section is valid. Value range: {0000 0001b-1111 1111b, 0000 0000b = all PRBs in the specified SCS and carrier bandwidth } |
rx_metadata_o[7:0] |
rx_u_udCompHdr | 8 | Output | Defines the compression method and IQ bit width of the user data in a data section. Value range: {0000 0000b-1111 1111b} |
N/A (rx_udcomphdr_o) |