Fronthaul Compression Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 709301
Date 11/18/2024

1. About the Fronthaul Compression Intel® FPGA IP

Updated for:
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Suite 24.3
IP Version 1.0.9
The Fronthaul Compression IP consists of compression and decompression for U-plane IQ data. The compression engine computes µ-law or block floating-point compression based on user data compression header (udCompHdr). This IP uses an Avalon streaming interface for IQ data, conduit signals, and for metadata and sideband signals, and Avalon memory-mapped interface for control and status registers (CSRs).

The IP maps compressed IQs and the user data compression parameter (udCompParam) as per the section payload frame format specified in the O-RAN specification O-RAN Fronthaul Control, User and Synchronization Plane Version 3.0 - April 2020 (O-RAN-WG4.CUS.0-v03.00). Avalon streaming sink and source interface data width are 128-bits for the application interface and 64 bits for the transport interface to support maximum compressoin ratio of 2:1.