Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Partial Reconfiguration

ID 683834
Date 10/04/2021

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1.5.6. Step 6: Create Revisions for Personas

Create a base revision for the design, as well as PR implementation revisions for each of the personas.
When you define revisions in the GUI or at the command line, the Intel® Quartus® Prime software automatically adds these assignments required for PR implementation:
  • Entity Rebinding assignment (ENTITY_REBINDING)—for each PR partition, the software adds an entity rebinding assignment with a place holder for the entity name. Your design may not require all of the entity rebinding assignments of each PR partition, based on the design and the implementation revision. For example, in HPR designs that use the default persona for the parent partition, you add the .qdb file for PR parent, and then use entity rebinding only for the child.
  • QDB File Partition assignment (QDB_FILE_PARTITION)—the software adds this assignment for the static region, if you specify a .qdb file name.
  • Revision Type Assignment (REVISION_TYPE)
To create the PR implementation revisions:
  1. Click Project > Revisions.
  2. To create a new revision, double-click <<new revision>>.
  3. Specify a unique Revision name.
  4. Select an existing revision for the Based on revision option.
  5. For the Revision type, select Partial Reconfiguration - Base for the base revision or Partial Reconfiguration - Persona Implementation for an implementation revision.
  6. Click Apply and OK.
    Figure 11. Creating Revisions

    The following assignments in the respective revision's .qsf file correspond to specifying the revision type from the Settings dialog box:

    Base Revision Assignment:

    set_global_assignment -name REVISION_TYPE PR_BASE

    Implementation Revision Assignment:

    set_global_assignment -name REVISION_TYPE PR_IMPL

    For each PR partition, the Intel® Quartus® Prime software also adds the entity rebinding assignment to the .qsf:

    set_instance_assignment -name ENTITY_REBINDING <entity_name> -to <hierarchical_path>

    If you base a new implementation revision on an existing .qdb file, The Intel® Quartus® Prime software also adds the .qdb file partition assignment, with a place holder for the file name:

    set_instance_assignment -name QDB_FILE_PARTITION <QDB file name>

    As an example, to create a new implementation revision that uses a .qdb file from a base revision, use the following command:

    create_revision impl_new -based_on <base_revision> \
         -new_rev_type impl -root_partition_qdb_file base_static.qdb
    • impl_new—specifies the name of a new implementation revision.
    • -based_on <based_on_revision> — specifies the PR base revision that the new impl revision is based on. Some global assignments from the based_on revision are copied over to the impl revision. Placeholder entity rebinding assignments are created in the impl revision for each PR partition in the base.
    • -new_rev_type <rev_type>— only useful rev-type is impl.
    • root_partition_qdb_file <qdb_file>—creates a QDB_FILE_PARTITION assignment in impl revision with the specified .qdb file.
    Figure 12. Partial Reconfiguration Compilation Flow