Visible to Intel only — GUID: kly1441245346847
Visible to Intel only — GUID: kly1441245346847
6.4.1. Native Fixed Point DSP Stratix® 10 FPGA IP Parameters
Parameter | IP Generated Parameter | Value | Default Value | Description |
Operation Mode | ||||
Select the Operation Mode | operation_mode | m18×18_full m18×18_full_top m18×18_sumof2 m18×18_plus36 m18×18_systolic m27×27 |
m18×18_full | Select the desired operational mode. |
Multiplier Configuration | ||||
Representation format for AX input bus | signed_max | signed unsigned |
unsigned | Specify the representation format for the top multiplier x operand. |
Representation format for AY/AZ input buses | signed_may | signed unsigned |
unsigned | Specify the representation format for the top multiplier y operand. |
Representation format for BX input bus | signed_mbx | signed unsigned |
unsigned | Specify the representation format for the bottom multiplier x operand. |
Representation format for BY/BZ input buses | signed_mby | signed unsigned |
unsigned | Specify the representation format for the bottom multiplier y operand. Always select unsigned for m18×18_plus36 . |
Clear Signal Setting | ||||
Type of clear signal | clear_type | none aclr sclr |
none | Select aclr to use asynchronous clear signal type for all registers. Select sclr to use synchronous clear signal type for all registers. |
Port Width Setting | ||||
How wide should AX input bus be? | ax_width | 1–27 | 18 | Specify the width of ax input bus. Refer to Maximum Input Data Width for Fixed-Point Arithmetic. |
How wide should BX input bus be? | bx_width | 1–18 | 18 | Specify the width of bx input bus. Set this parameter to 0 when using m18x18_full_top mode. Refer to Maximum Input Data Width for Fixed-Point Arithmetic. |
How wide should AY input bus be? | ay_scan_in_width | 1–27 | 18 | Specify the width of ay or scanin input bus. Refer to Maximum Input Data Width for Fixed-Point Arithmetic. |
How wide should BY input bus be? | by_width | 1–19 | 18 | Specify the width of by input bus. Set this parameter to 0 when using m18x18_full_top mode. Refer to Maximum Input Data Width for Fixed-Point Arithmetic. |
How wide should AZ input bus be? | az_width | 0-18 | 0 | Specify the width of az input bus. Refer to Maximum Input Data Width for Fixed-Point Arithmetic. |
How wide should BZ input bus be? | bz_width | 0–18 | 0 | Specify the width of bz input bus. Set this parameter to 0 when using m18x18_full_top mode. Refer to Maximum Input Data Width for Fixed-Point Arithmetic. |
How wide should result A width? | result_a_width | 1–64 | 37 | Specify the width of resulta output bus. |
How wide should result B width? | result_b_width | 1–37 | 37 | Specify the width of resultb output bus. This parameter is supported only in m18x18_full mode. |
How wide should result scanout port (1) | scan_out_width | 1–27 | 0 | Specify the width of scanout output bus. |

Parameter | Value | Default Value | Description |
loadconst | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click the port symbol to enable loadconst port and its input register. |
accumulate port (2) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click the port symbol to enable accumlate port and its input register. |
negate port (3) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click the port symbol to enable negate port and its input register. |
sub port (4) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click the port symbol to enable sub port and its input register. |
Top delay register (5) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click to enable the top delay register for ay input bus. This feature is not supported in m18×18_plus36 and m27x27 operational mode. |
Bottom delay register (6) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click to enable bottom delay register for by input bus. This feature is not supported in m18×18_plus36, m18x18_top_full, and m27x27 operational mode. |
Scanout output bus (7) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click to enable scanout output bus. |
Input cascade for ay input (8) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click to enable input cascade module for ay input. When you enable input cascade module, the Stratix 10 Native Fixed Point DSP IP core uses the scanin input signals as input instead of ay input signal. |
Input cascade for by input (9) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click to enable input cascade module for by input. When you enable input cascade module, the Stratix 10 Native Fixed Point DSP IP core uses the ay input signals as input instead of by input signal. |
Register clock (10) | None Clock 0 Clock 1 Clock 2 |
Clock 0 | To bypass any register, switch the register clock to None.
Switch the register clock to:
Top pre-adder (11) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click to enable top pre-adder module. This uses az input bus as one of the operand source. To use pre-adder feature, both top and bottom pre-adder modules must be enabled. |
Top Pre-adder operation (12) | + - |
+ | Click to switch the operation of top preadder between addition and subtraction. |
Top coefficient module (13) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click to enable top internal coefficient module. To use internal coefficient feature, both top and bottom internal coefficient modules must be enabled. |
Bottom pre-adder (14) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click to enable bottom pre-adder module. This uses bz input bus as one of the operand source. To use pre-adder feature, both top and bottom pre-adder modules must be enabled. |
Bottom coefficient module (15) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click to enable bottom internal coefficient module. To use internal coefficient feature, both top and bottom internal coefficient modules must be enabled. |
Bottom Pre-adder operation (16) | + - |
+ | Click to switch the operation of bottom preadder between addition and subtraction. |
Chainin input bus (17) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click to enable Chainin input bus. |
Clock enable for clock 0 (18) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click to create clock enable signal for clock 0. |
Clock enable for clock 1 (19) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click to create clock enable signal for clock 1. |
Clock enable for clock 2 (20) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click to create clock enable signal for clock 2. |
Clear signal for input registers (21) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click to create Clr[0] signal for all input registers. Use the Type of clear signal parameter to select asynchronous clear or synchronous clear for the input registers. |
Clear signal for output and pipeline registers (22) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click to create Clr[1] signal for all output and pipeline registers. Use the Type of clear signal parameter to select asynchronous clear or synchronous clear for the output and pipeline registers. |
Double accumulator module (23) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click to enable double accumulator feature. |
Chainout output bus (24) | Disable Enable |
Disable | Click to enable Chainout output bus. |
Parameter | IP Generated Parameter | Value | Default Value | Description |
Load Const Setting | ||||
What is the value for loadconst? | load_const_value | 0 - 63 | 0 | Specify the preset constant value. This value can be 2N where N is the preset constant value. |
Coefficient A Storage Configuration | ||||
Coef_a_0 | coef_a_0 | Integer | 0 | Specify the coefficient values for ax input bus. For 18-bit operation mode, the maximum input value is 218 - 1. For 27-bit operation, the maximum value is 227 - 1. |
Coef_a_1 | coef_a_1 | |||
Coef_a_2 | coef_a_2 | |||
Coef_a_3 | coef_a_3 | |||
Coef_a_4 | coef_a_4 | |||
Coef_a_5 | coef_a_5 | |||
Coef_a_6 | coef_a_6 | |||
Coef_a_7 | coef_a_7 | |||
Coefficient B Storage Configuration | ||||
Coef_b_0 | coef_a_0 | Integer | 0 | Specify the coefficient values for ax input bus. Set coefficient values to more than 67108864 when operand is set to unsigned and negate is enabled. |
Coef_b_1 | coef_a_1 | |||
Coef_b_2 | coef_a_2 | |||
Coef_b_3 | coef_a_3 | |||
Coef_b_4 | coef_a_4 | |||
Coef_b_5 | coef_a_5 | |||
Coef_b_6 | coef_a_6 | |||
Coef_b_7 | coef_a_7 |