2.3.1. Simulation Testbench Flow for MAC Mode
The following steps show the simulation testbench flow for MAC mode:
- Assert global reset (i_rst_n) to reset the F-Tile Ethernet Intel FPGA Hard IP.
- Wait until resets acknowledgment. The o_rst_ack_n signal goes low.
- Deasserts the global reset.
- Wait until o_tx_lanes_stable bit is set to 1, indicating TX path is ready.
- Wait until o_rx_pcs_ready bit is set to 1, indicating RX path is ready.
- Read TX packet data information from 0x00 - 0x34 registers in sequential order.
- 0x00: Set hw_pc_ctrl[6] = 1'b1 to enable snapshot bit to read the TX packet statistics.
- 0x020/0x24: TX start of packet counter (LSB/MSB)
- 0x28/0x2C: TX end of packet counter (LSB/MSB)
- 0x30/0x34: TX error counter (LSB/MSB)
- 0x00: Set hw_pc_ctrl[6] = 1'b0 to disable snapshot bit.
- Read RX packet data information from 0x38 - 0x4C registers in sequential order.
- 0x00: Set hw_pc_ctrl[6] = 1'b1 to enable snapshot bit to read the RX packet statistics.
- 0x38/0x3C: RX start of packet counter (LSB/MSB)
- 0x40/0x44: RX end of packet counter (LSB/MSB)
- 0x48/0x4C: RX error counter (LSB/MSB)
- 0x00: Set hw_pc_ctrl[6] = 1'b0 to disable snapshot bit.
- Compare read counters to ensure 16 packets were sent and received.
- Instruct packet client to stop data transmission by writing hw_pc_ctrl[2:0]=3'b100 to stop the packet generator. Clear counters.
- Perform Avalon® memory-mapped interface test. Write and read Ethernet IP registers.
- 0x104: Scratch register
- 0x108: Ethernet IP soft reset register
- 0x214: TX MAC source address register [31:0]
- 0x218: TX MAC source address register [47:32]
- 0x21C: RX MAC frame size register
- Perform Avalon® memory-mapped interface 2 test. Write and read transceiver registers.
The following sample output illustrates a successful simulation test run.
---SRC IP sequence started -----
---SRC IP sequence TX completed -----
---SRC IP sequence RX completed -----
---Test 0; ---Total 16 packets to send-----
------Start pkt gen TX-----
------Checking Packet TX/RX result-----
------------ 16 packets Sent; 0 packets Received--------
------ALL 16 packets Sent out---
------------ 16 packets Sent; 16 packets Received--------
------ALL 16 packets Received---
------TX/RX packet check OK---
****Starting AVMM Read/Write****
===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = abcdef01 Expected_Readdata = abcdef01
===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 00000007 Expected_Readdata = 00000007
===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 00000000 Expected_Readdata = 00000000
===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 9d228c3a Expected_Readdata = 9d228c3a
===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 4338b586 Expected_Readdata = 4338b586
===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = deadc0de Expected_Readdata = deadc0de
===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = deadc0de Expected_Readdata = deadc0de
===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 00000000 Expected_Readdata = 00000000
===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 22334455 Expected_Readdata = 22334455
===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 00000011 Expected_Readdata = 00000011
===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 000005ee Expected_Readdata = 000005ee
===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 01234567 Expected_Readdata = 01234567
===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 000089ab Expected_Readdata = 000089ab
743830ns Try to access AVMM2 begin...
743830ns write 0x00000065 to xcvr 0 address 0x103c004
744795ns Try to access AVMM2 end...
744890ns read from address 0x103c004
====>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 00000065 Expected_Readdata = 00000065
758740ns Try to access AVMM2 end...
758840ns Try to access AVMM2 begin...
758840ns write 0x0000006c to xcvr 7 address 0x103c00b
759825ns Try to access AVMM2 end...
759920ns read from address 0x103c00b
====>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 0000006c Expected_Readdata = 0000006c
760900ns Try to access AVMM2 end...
**** AVMM Read/Write Operation Completed ****
** Testbench complete