Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1409960005969
Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1409960005969
1.11. Incremental Compilation and Block-Based Design
MultiPoint synthesis, which is available for certain device technologies in the Synplify Pro and Premier software, provides an automated block-based incremental synthesis flow. The MultiPoint feature manages a design hierarchy to let you design incrementally and synthesize designs that take too long for synthesis of the entire project. MultiPoint synthesis allows different netlist files to be created for different sections of a design hierarchy and supports the Intel® Quartus® Prime incremental compilation methodology. This feature also ensures that only those sections of a design that have been updated are resynthesized when the design is compiled, reducing synthesis run time and preserving the results for the unchanged blocks. You can change and resynthesize one section of a design without affecting other sections.
You can also partition your design and create different netlist files manually with the Synplify software by creating a separate project for the logic in each partition of the design. Creating different netlist files for each partition of the design also means that each partition can be independent of the others.
Hierarchical design methodologies can improve the efficiency of your design process, providing better design reuse opportunities and fewer integration problems when working in a team environment. When you use these incremental synthesis methodologies, you can take advantage of incremental compilation in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software. You can perform placement and routing on only the changed partitions of the design, which reduces place-and-route time and preserves your fitting results.
Section Content
Design Flow for Incremental Compilation
Creating a Design with Separate Netlist Files for Incremental Compilation
Using MultiPoint Synthesis with Incremental Compilation
Creating Multiple .vqm Files for a Incremental Compilation Flow With Separate Synplify Projects
Performing Incremental Compilation in the Intel Quartus Prime Software