Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Third-party Synthesis

ID 683796
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents Creating Black Boxes in Verilog HDL

Any design block that is not defined in the project or included in the list of files to be read for a project is treated as a black box by the software. In Verilog HDL, you must provide an empty module declaration for any module that is treated as a black box.

A black box for the top-level file A.v is shown in the following example. Provide an empty module declaration for any lower‑level files, which also contain a black box for any module beneath the current level of hierarchy.

Verilog HDL Black Box for Top-Level File A.v

module A (data_in, clk, e, ld, data_out);
   input data_in, clk, e, ld;
   output [15:0] data_out;
   wire [15:0] cnt_out;
   B U1 (.data_in (data_in),.clk(clk), .ld (ld),.data_out(cnt_out));
   F U2 (.d(cnt_out), .clk(clk), .e(e), .q(data_out));
   // Any other code in A.v goes here.
//Empty Module Declarations of Sub-Blocks B and F follow here.
// These module declarations (including ports) are required for black boxes.
module B (data_in, clk, ld, data_out);
   input data_in, clk, ld;
   output [15:0] data_out;
module F (d, clk, e, q);
   input [15:0] d;
   input clk, e;
   output [15:0] q;