Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Third-party Synthesis

ID 683796
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

1.11.5. Performing Incremental Compilation in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Software

In a standard design flow using Multipoint Synthesis, the Synplify software uses the Intel® Quartus® Prime top-level .tcl file to ensure that the two tools databases stay synchronized. The Tcl file creates, changes, or deletes partition assignments in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software for Compile Points that you create, change, or delete in the Synplify software. However, if you create, change, or delete a partition in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software, the Synplify software does not change your Compile Point settings. Make any corresponding change in your Synplify project to ensure that you create the correct .vqm files.
Note: If you use the NativeLink integration feature, the Synplify software does not use any information about design partition assignments that you have set in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software.

If you create netlist files with multiple Synplify projects, or if you do not use the Synplify Pro or Premier-generated .tcl files to update constraints in your Intel® Quartus® Prime project, you must ensure that your Synplify .vqm netlists align with your Intel® Quartus® Prime partition settings.

After you have set up your Intel® Quartus® Prime project with .vqm netlist files as separate design partitions, set the appropriate Intel® Quartus® Prime options to preserve your compilation results. On the Assignments menu, click Design Partitions Window. Change the Netlist Type to Post-Fit to preserve the previous compilation’s post-fit placement results. If you do not make these settings, the Intel® Quartus® Prime software does not reuse the placement or routing results from the previous compilation.

You can take advantage of incremental compilation with your Synplify design to reduce compilation time in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software and preserve the results for unchanged design blocks.