Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1409960080499
1.1. About Synplify Support
1.2. Design Flow
1.3. Hardware Description Language Support
1.4. Intel Device Family Support
1.5. Tool Setup
1.6. Synplify Software Generated Files
1.7. Design Constraints Support
1.8. Simulation and Formal Verification
1.9. Synplify Optimization Strategies
1.10. Guidelines for Intel FPGA IP Cores and Architecture-Specific Features
1.11. Incremental Compilation and Block-Based Design
1.12. Synopsys Synplify* Support Revision History Instantiating Intel FPGA IP Cores with IP Catalog Generated Verilog HDL Files Instantiating Intel FPGA IP Cores with IP Catalog Generated VHDL Files Changing Synplify’s Default Behavior for Instantiated Intel FPGA IP Cores Instantiating Intellectual Property with the IP Catalog and Parameter Editor Instantiating Black Box IP Cores with Generated Verilog HDL Files Instantiating Black Box IP Cores with Generated VHDL Files Other Synplify Software Attributes for Creating Black Boxes
1.11.1. Design Flow for Incremental Compilation
1.11.2. Creating a Design with Separate Netlist Files for Incremental Compilation
1.11.3. Using MultiPoint Synthesis with Incremental Compilation
1.11.4. Creating Multiple .vqm Files for a Incremental Compilation Flow With Separate Synplify Projects
1.11.5. Performing Incremental Compilation in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
2.1. About Precision RTL Synthesis Support
2.2. Design Flow
2.3. Intel Device Family Support
2.4. Precision Synthesis Generated Files
2.5. Creating and Compiling a Project in the Precision Synthesis Software
2.6. Mapping the Precision Synthesis Design
2.7. Synthesizing the Design and Evaluating the Results
2.8. Exporting Designs to the Intel® Quartus® Prime Software Using NativeLink Integration
2.9. Guidelines for Intel FPGA IP Cores and Architecture-Specific Features
2.10. Incremental Compilation and Block-Based Design
2.11. Mentor Graphics Precision* Synthesis Support Revision History
2.8.1. Running the Intel® Quartus® Prime Software from within the Precision Synthesis Software
2.8.2. Running the Intel® Quartus® Prime Software Manually Using the Precision Synthesis‑Generated Tcl Script
2.8.3. Using the Intel® Quartus® Prime Software to Run the Precision Synthesis Software
2.8.4. Passing Constraints to the Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
2.9.1. Instantiating IP Cores With IP Catalog-Generated Verilog HDL Files
2.9.2. Instantiating IP Cores With IP Catalog-Generated VHDL Files
2.9.3. Instantiating Intellectual Property With the IP Catalog and Parameter Editor
2.9.4. Instantiating Black Box IP Functions With Generated Verilog HDL Files
2.9.5. Instantiating Black Box IP Functions With Generated VHDL Files
2.9.6. Inferring Intel FPGA IP Cores from HDL Code
2.10.1. Creating a Design with Precision RTL Plus Incremental Synthesis
2.10.2. Creating Multiple Mapped Netlist Files With Separate Precision Projects or Implementations
2.10.3. Creating Black Boxes to Create Netlists
2.10.4. Creating Intel® Quartus® Prime Projects for Multiple Netlist Files
2.10.5. Hierarchy and Design Considerations
Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1409960080499
2.10.3. Creating Black Boxes to Create Netlists
In the figure below, the top-level partition contains the top-level block in the design (block A) and the logic that is not defined as part of another partition. In this example, the partition for top-level block A also includes the logic in the sub-block C. Because block F is contained in its own partition, it is not treated as part of the top-level partition A. Another separate partition, B, contains the logic in blocks B, D, and E. In a team‑based design, different engineers may work on the logic in different partitions. One netlist is created for the top-level module A and its submodule C, another netlist is created for module B and its submodules D and E, while a third netlist is created for module F.
Figure 10. Partitions in a Hierarchical Design
To create multiple EDIF netlist files for this design, follow these steps:
- Generate a netlist file for module B. Use B.v/.vhd, D.v/.vhd, and E.v/.vhd as the source files.
- Generate a netlist file for module F. Use F.v/.vhd as the source file.
- Generate a top-level netlist file for module A. Use A.v/.vhd and C.v/.vhd as the source files. Ensure that you create black boxes for modules B and F, which were optimized separately in the previous steps.
The goal is to individually synthesize and generate a netlist file for each lower‑level module and then instantiate these modules as black boxes in the top‑level file. You can then synthesize the top-level file to generate the netlist file for the top‑level design. Finally, both the lower‑level and top-level netlist files are provided to your Intel® Quartus® Prime project.
Note: When you make design or synthesis optimization changes to part of your design, resynthesize only the changed partition to generate the new netlist file. Do not resynthesize the implementations or projects for the unchanged partitions.