Floating-Point IP Cores User Guide

ID 683750
Date 7/31/2024

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5.6. Parameters

Table 30.  ALTFP_MULT Intel® FPGA IP core Parameters
Parameter Name Type Required Description
WIDTH_EXP Integer No Specifies the value of the exponent. If this parameter is not specified, the default is 8. The bias of the exponent is always 2(WIDTH_EXP - 1)-1 (that is, 127 for the single-precision format and 1023 for the double-precision format). WIDTH_EXP must be 8 for the single-precision format or a minimum of 11 for the double-precision format and the single-extended precision format. WIDTH_EXP must less than WIDTH_MAN. The sum of WIDTH_EXP and WIDTH_MAN must be less than 64.
WIDTH_MAN Integer No Specifies the value of the mantissa. If this parameter is not specified, the default is 23. When WIDTH_EXP is 8 and the floating-point format is single-precision, the WIDTH_MAN value must be 23; otherwise, the value of WIDTH_MAN must be a minimum of 31. The WIDTH_MAN value must always be greater than the WIDTH_EXP value. The sum of WIDTH_EXP and WIDTH_MAN must be less than 64.
DEDICATED_MULTIPLIER_ CIRCUITRY String No Specifies whether to use dedicated multiplier circuitry. Values are AUTO, YES, or NO. If this parameter is not specified, the default is AUTO. If a device does not have dedicated multiplier circuitry, the DEDICATED_MULTIPLIER_CIRCUITRY parameter has no effect and defaults to NO.
PIPELINE Integer No Specifies the number of clock cycles needed to produce the multiplied result. Values are 5, 6, 10, and 11. If this parameter is not specified, the default is 5.