Appendix B: Design Checklist
Design Phase | Flow | Actions | |
Design Creation Flow |
Design Modification Flow |
General | Yes | Yes | Have you installed ? All tool log messages should include "Info: Version 17.0.2 Build 602 07/19/2017 SJ Standard Edition". |
General | Yes | Yes | If you use a JTAG Master in the safety partition, have you added sci_use_legacy_sld_flow=on to quartus.ini as described in Knowledge Base solution ID rd07012015_904. |
Place and Route | Yes | Yes | Have you assigned a strict preserved partition and reserved LogicLock region with fixed size and position to the safety IP? |
Place and Route | Yes | Yes | Do not use the LL_MEMBER_EXCEPTIONS assignment on a safety IP partition, otherwise all the logic is not inside the LogicLock region. The Intel® Quartus® Prime software should give an error in this condition. In the , you must ensure the project does not use this assignment. Searching the project .qsf file for the following assignment or look at the Members column in the LogicLock Regions window. set_instance_assignment -name LL_MEMBER_EXCEPTIONS <exception-list> -to <safe-partition-name> |
Place and Route | Yes | Yes | Have you manually reviewed all ENABLE_STRICT_PRESERVATION assignments in the Intel® Quartus® Prime project .qsf file to ensure they are all set correctly?
The Intel® Quartus® Prime software checks that all IO pins connected to a safety IP have explicit ENABLE_STRICT_PRESERVATION assignments. If the assignment is missing the software gives an error message. The Intel® Quartus® Primesoftware ignores any ENABLE_STRICT_PRESERVATION assignments that you make to IO pins that are not connected to a safety IP. |
Place and Route | Yes | Yes | Did the Intel® Quartus® Prime software apply the expected strict preservation settings to the safety IP partition and execute the expected strict preservation flow? Have you checked the Intel® Quartus® Prime Fitter report strict preservation sub-section to confirm that LogicLock regions, partitions, and I/O assignments are correct? |
Place and Route | Yes | No | Have you exported the post-fit netlist and routing information for the safety IP to .qxp file using the Intel® Quartus® Prime export parition feature? For example, check the datestamp on the <safety IP partition name>.qxp file is correct. |
Place and Route | No | Yes | Have you imported the post-fit netlist and routing information for the safety IP using the Intel® Quartus® Prime import parition feature from the .qxp file genertated during the design control flow phase ? |
Place and route | Yes | No | Before running the design creation flow, have you removed all previous compilation netlists and .sof files? Otherwise the design modification flow runs. |
Bitstream Generation | Yes | Yes | After successful compilation, has the Intel® Quartus® Prime software generated a .psm file for the safety IP? Check the datestamp on the <safety IP partition name>.psm file is correct. |
Bitstream Generation | Yes | Yes | Have you generated the .rbf, .ppb, and .md5.sign files for each safety IP using the quartus_cpf utlity? |
Bitstream Generation | No | Yes | Have you run the functional safety POF verification tool to compare the safety IP bitstreams between design creation and design modification flows?
Bitstream Generation | No | Yes | Does the Intel® Quartus® Prime assembler give an internal error message, which may indicate a mismatch in the safety IP bitstream? |
Verification | Yes | Yes | For each safety IP partition, have you prepared the following evidence for both design creation and design modification flows?
Verification | Yes | No | Have you archived the .qxp, .rbf.ppb, .psm, .sof and .md5.sign files to prevent the Intel® Quartus® Prime software overwriting them when you subsequently run a design modification flow compilation? |
Verification | Yes | Yes | Have you archived the project on sucessful completion and verification of design creation flow and design modification flow compilations? |